about to take a Journey there to see me & the other
Brethren & Be baptized. She will not inform any of
her relatives or rank of her intentions untill she is
Baptized thinking she will then have more power
to commence her testimony & warning among those sitting
in high places. She has two Brothers ministers of the
Church of England. After sending her an address by
letter, she returned me a virble answer by Sister Brooks thanking me kindly for the interest I manifested in
her welfare, saying she should address me by letter in
few days. I then walked to Haw Cross & preached &
spent the night at Br Smiths 5 miles
~ Wednesday
16th I walked to Dymouck & Joined Elder Kington
at his house in attending their regular weekly prayer
meeting. Elder kington had been faithful in warning
the inhabitants of Dymock & had gatherd together about
50 Saints which had much stired up the people to anger
against the saints esspecially Mr John Simons the
Rector of the church in Dymock manifested much of
the spirit of the Devil by stiring up mobs against
the Saints which had disturbed the meetings of the
Saints in several instances, & on this occasion as we
began to gather together, the beat of drums, pails, pans,
& sticks, was herd through the street, & the mob soon
collected & parraded in the streets in front of the house
we closed the window shutters & doors in the room
whare we ware, & I opened meeting by singing &
prayer & no sooner had we commenced than the mob
armed themselves with eggs, Bricks, rocks, & evry thing
els they could lay their hands upon & began to throw
them upon the house like a shower of hail stones for
nearly an hour they dashed in the windows scatterd
stones, Brick, & glass, through the rooms, broke the tile
on the rooff & continued such depredations untill
the close of the meeting, & the Brethren feeling
disposed to try what virtue their was in the English
laws which were strict against such procedings
I proposed to accompanied them to go into the midst
of the mob to se who they were that there might be
testimony against them. But they would not permit
me to go with them lest I should receive an injury from
the shower of stones but several of the Brethren went
themselfs into the midst of the mob & took the name
of the leaders & returned to the house in the midst of
stones, & Brick bats, though without Injury the mob
about to take a Journey there to see me & the other
Brethren & Be baptized. She will not inform any of
her relatives or rank of her intentions untill she is
Baptized thinking she will then have more power
to commence her testimony & warning among those sitting
in high Places. She has two Brothers ministers of the
Church of England. After sending her an address by
letter, She returned me a virble answer by Sister
Brooks thanking me kindly for the interest I manifested in
her welfare, saying she should address me by letter in
few days. I then walked to Haw Cross & preached &
spent the night at Br Smiths 5 miles
~ Wednesday
16th I walked to Dymouck & Joined Elder Kington
at his house in attending their regular weekly prayer
meeting. Elder Kington had been faithful in warning
the inhabitants of Dymock & had gathered together about
50 Saints which had much stired up the people to anger
against the saints esspecially Mr John Simons the
Rector of the Church in Dymock manifested much of
the Spirit of the Devil by stiring up mobs against
the Saints which had disturbed the meetings of the
Saints in several instances, & on this occasion as we
began to gather together, the beat of drums, pails, pans,
& sticks, was herd through the Street, & the mob soon
Collected & Parraded in the Streets in front of the house
we closed the window shutters & doors in the room
whare we ware, & I opened meeting by Singing &
Prayer & no sooner had we commenced than the mob
armed themselves with eggs, Bricks, rocks, & evry thing
els they could lay their hands upon & began to throw
them upon the house like a shower of hail Stones for
nearly an hour they dashed in the windows scattered
Stones, Brick, & glass, through the rooms, broke the tile
on the rooff & continued such depredations untill
the close of the meeting & the Brethren feeling
disposed to try what virtue their was in the English
laws which were strict against such procedings
I proposed to accompanied them to go into the midst
of the mob to se who they were that there might be
testimony against them. But they would not permit
me to go with them lest I should receive an injury from
the shower of stones but several of the Brethren went
themselfs into the midst of the mob & took the name
of the leaders & returned to the house in the midst of
Stones, & Brick bats, though without Injury the mob
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," September 15, 1840 - September 16, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5QR