us We Dined with Brother James
Bewsher a coachman. We met
in the afternoon & after some obse
rvations from Elder William Clayton
I brake bread unto the Saints
& preached unto them. I also met
a large congregation at the same
place in the Evening & preached the
gospel unto them I had the spirit
of God & they gave good attention
one Sister said she saw by vision
or revelation Jesus pleading with
the Father to spare England one year
more that the reapers might gather
the grain for the harvest was fully
ripe. 2 offered themselves for baptism
we confirmed one & lade hands
upon 20 persons that were sick or
afflicted & they were most unive
rsally healed. the Saints in England
have great confidence in God &
his servents & their is so many
apply for the laying on of hands that
us. We Dined with Brother James
Bewsher a Coachman. We met
in the afternoon & after some obse
rvations from Elder William Clayton
I brake bread unto the Saints
& preached unto them. I also met
a large Congregation at the same
place in the Evening & preached the
gospel unto them. I had the spirit
of God & they gave good attention
one Sister said she saw by vision
or Revelation Jesus pleading with
the Father to spare England one year
more that the reapers might gather
the grain for the harvest was fully
ripe. 2 offered themselves for baptism
we confirmed one & lade hands
upon 20 persons that were Sick or
afflicted & they were most unive
rsally healed. the Saints in England
have great Confidence in God &
his Servents & their is so many
apply for the laying on of hands that
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," January 19, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,