After visiting the Tower we walked to the Thames & waited for Elder Young who went
through the Tunnel & visited it & purchased a pattern
of the Tunnel for 13/ which presents an exact
likeness of it. We then walked across London
Bridge & returned to our Room in Ironmonge[r]
Row. We held a meeting in the evening Elder
Young preached. Distance of the day 10 m
~ Friday
Dec 4th Elder Kimball stayed at home & wrote A letter to his wife I walked through the city
with Elder Young we visited Buckingham
Palace & West Minster Abbey & went all throu-
gh it we then returned home on our way we
saw some London Foolery, in a cart one wax figure
knocking Down another {Distance of the day} 10 m
~ Saturday
5th I received 3 letters from O PrattWm
Pitt, Allexander Wright. I walked out with
Elder Young to try to find the Book of Morm-
on, as we herd it was published & for Sale in London by some person unknown but probably
it was a fals report Elder Kimball received a
letter from Arthur BurrowPresston I wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor I also got
a letter from John Taylor I wrote a letter to
O Pratt. Robert Williams Priest arived in London
this day & called upon us this evening we walked
to Islington & Passed by his Fathers House returned
to our Room & spent the night 10 miles
~ Sunday
6th Sunday proved an interesting Day to us
Elders Young, Kimball, & William attended meeti-
ng at St Pauls Church in the morning I met with
the Saints at No [blank]
at Father Corners & read & conversed with them. We
all met at the Academy at 3 oclock had about 50
preasent {Elder} Kimball preached to them. An independant
Minister invited me home with him to take tea I accep
ted the Invitation & had a good time I preached
the gospel to him he received my testimony & offered
me his Chappel that would hold 800 & he thoug-
ht he should be Baptized & would try to get his
society to Do the same. We again met at halpf
past six, & had the most in our room that we have ever
had. Br Young Preached & was followed by
After visiting the Tower we walked to the
Thames & waited for Elder Young who went
through the Tunnel & visited it & purchased a pattern
of the Tunnel for 13/ which presents an exact
likeness of it. We then walked across London
Bridge & returned to our Room in Ironmonger
Row. We held a meeting in the evening Elder
Young Preached. Distance of the day 10 m
~ Friday
Dec 4th Elder Kimball stayed at home & wrote
[FIGURE] A letter to his Wife I walked through the city
with Elder Young. We visited Buckingham
Palace & West Minster Abbey & went all through it we then returned home on our way we
saw some London Foolery, in a cart one wax figure
knocking Down another {Distance of the day} 10 m
~ Saturday
5th [FIGURE] I received 3 letters from O PrattWm
Pitt, Allexander Wright. I walked out with
Elder Young to try to find the Book of Mormon, as we herd it was published & for Sale in
London by some person unknown but probably
it was a fals report. Elder Kimball received a
letter from Arthur Burrow Presston
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor. I also got
letter from John Taylor I wrote a letter to
O Pratt. Roberts Williams Priest arived in London
this day & called upon us this evening we walked
to Islington & Passed by his Fathers House returned
to our Room & spent the night 10 miles
~ Sunday
6th Sunday Proved an interesting Day to us
Elders Young, Kimball. & William attended meeting at St Pauls Church in the morning I met with
the Saints at No blank space
at Father Corners & read & conversed with them. We
all met at the Academy at 3 oclock had about 50
preasent. {Elder} Kimball Preached to them. An independant
Minister invited me home with him to take tea I accep
ted the Invitation & had a good time I preached
the gospel to him he received my testimony & offered
me his Chappel that would hold 800 & he thought he should be Baptized & would try to get his
society to Do the same. We again met at half
past six, & had the most in our room that we have ever
had. Br Young Preached & was followed by
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 3, 1840 - December 6, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,