17th Sunday this is the anniversary {Met} at Gadfield Elm
at which place I met with the saints in company with Elders Young & BrighRichards. I preached in the morning, & Elder
Young in the afternoon, & while he was preaching opposers made
much disturdance & was determined to break up the meeting
Elder Young rose up in the power of the Priesthood & in the name
of the Great God & according to the laws of the land comm
anded order. two of the brethren went to the door to keep
order Elder Richards was one of them & they were enabled
to overcom the enemy & peace was again restored.
18th This was an interesting day I met some friends at Mr Joseph Hills in Dymock at 5 oclock in the morning & I Baptized
3 persons 2 churchmen 1 weslian from thence we walked to william Harts Elder kington Baptized 7. Elders Young & Richard
confirmed them, in a few moments I Baptized 5 others who
were confirmed as they come out of the water, then we
returned to Elder kingtons & while on the rode we met
another person that wished to be Baptized. Br Kington
Baptized her. This was on a FEAST day Elder Kington
made a feast for the Saints, which had been a custom
among the United Brethren But as they now were all
receiving the fulness of the gospel they had become
saints. the Saints began to collect at 2 oclock by 4 we
had nearly 100 saints together to the feast, we truly
had an interesting time. Elder Young addressed the
Saints clothed with the power of God, & then asked
a blessing upon the food prepared. We then sat down
to the table & eat & drank with nearly 100 Saints possess
ing glad hearts & cheerful countenances. Elder Richards
remarked that he did not believe their had ever been
such a company of Saints prepared in so short a time
& bid fairer for the kingdom of heaven than the
company now before us, at least since the Church of
Latter Day Saints was first organized, & I truly felt
Grateful to my heavenly Father, for his mercy when I
reflected back upon the time ownly two months & a half
since when I first proclaimed the fulness of the gospel
in this region & began to Baptize such as received my
testimony, & now their is nearly 400 souls standing
in the new & Everlasting covenant & the prosperity
of the work constantly increasing. After our feast
was past the house was called to order by Elder Young
who deliverd a short address, after which 3 were
confirmed by Elder Richards & myself.
[upside-down text]
^Mary Pitt had not walked except on crutches for 11 years was healed by laying on of hands^
[end of upside-down text]
We also ordained
~ Sunday
17th Sunday this is the anniversary {Met} at Gadfield Elm
at which place I met with the saints in company with Elders
Young & Richards. I preached in the morning & Elder
Young in the afternoon & while he was preaching opposers made
much disturdance & was determined to break up the meeting
Elder Young rose up in the power of the Priesthood & in the name
of the Great God & according to the laws of the land Comm
anded order. two of the brethren went to the door to keep
order Elder Richards was one of them & they were enabled
to overcom the enemy & peace was again restored.
18th This was an interesting day. I met some friends at Mr
Joseph Hills in Dymock at 5 oclock in the morning & I Baptized
3 persons 2 churchmen 1 weslian from thence we walked to
william Harts Elder Kington Baptized 7. Elders Young & Richard
confirmed them, in a few moments I Baptized 5 others who
were confirmed as they come out of the water, then we
returned to Elder Kingtons & while on the rode we met
another person that wished to be Baptized. Br Kington
Baptized her. This was on a FEAST day Elder Kington
made a feast for the Saints. which had been a custom
among the United Brethren But as they now were all
receiving the fulness of the gospel they had become
Saints. the Saints began to collect at 2 oclock by 4 we
had nearly 100 saints together to the feast. We truly
had an interesting time. Elder Young addressed the
Saints clothed with the power of God, & then asked
a blessing upon the food prepared. We then sat down
to the table & eat & drank with nearly 100 saints possess
ing glad hearts & cheerful countenances. Elder Richards
remarked that he did not believe their had ever been
such a company of Saints prepared in so short a time
& bid fairer for the kingdom of heaven than the
company now before us, at least since the Church of
Latter Day Saints was first Organized, & I truly felt
Grateful to my heavenly Father, for his mercy when I
reflected back upon the time ownly two months & a half
since when I first proclaimed the fulness of the gospel
in this region & began to Baptize such as received my
testimony, & now their is nearly 400 souls standing
in the new & Everlasting covenant & the prosperity
of the work constantly increasing. After our feast
was past the house was called to Order by Elder Young
who deliverd a short address, after which 3 were
confirmed by Elder Richards & myself. Mary Pitt had not walked except on crutches for 11 years was healed by laying on of hands We also Ordained
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," May 17, 1840 - May 18, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/X25