Industry And Ingenuity giving a Cornucopiæ
to the Genius of England. THE panels of each side
of right Door. History recording the reports
of Fame and Peace burning the Implements of war.
THE BACK PANEL. Neptune and Amphitrite
issueing from their Palace in a triumphant car drawn
by Sea-Horses, attended by the Winds, Rivers, Triton[s]
Naiads &c. bringing the Tribute of the world to the
British Shore. Upper part of Back pannel.
Is the Royal Arms beautifully ornamented with
the Order of St. George; the Rose Shamrock,
and Thistle entwined. THE LEFT DOOR. Mars, Minerva, and Mercury supporting the Imper[i]al
Crown of Great Britain. THE Panels of each
side of Left Door. The liberal Arts and Sciences
protected. The Front and Four Quarter
panels over the paintings are plate Glass.
The whole of the carriage and Body is richly orni-
mented with Laurel and carved work, beautifully
gilt. The length 24 feet, width 8 feet 3 inches,
hieight 12 feet, length of pole 12 feet 4 inches weight
4 tons. The carriage & body of the coach is compos[ed]
as follows: Of four large Tritons who support the
body by four braces coverd with blue morocco leather
and ornamented with guilt buckles. The two
figures placed in front of the carriage bear the
driver and are represented in the action of drawing
by cables extending round their shoulders and the
cranes, and sounding shells to announce the approac[h]
of the Monarch of the O[c]ean: and those at the back carry
the Imperial Fasce[s]s, topt with tridents. The Driver's
Foot-Board is a large scollop shell, ornamented by
bunches of reesds & other marine plants. The pole
represents a bundle of Lances; the splinter Bar is
composed of a rich moulding issuing from beneath
a voluted shell & each end terminating in the head of a
Dolphin; and the wheels are imitated from those of
the ancient triumphal chariot. The Body of the
coach is composed of Eight palm Trees, which
branching out at the, top sustain the roof, and
four angular trees are loaded with trophies
allusive to the victories obtained by Great Britain
during the late glorious war, supported by four
lions' heads. On the centre of the Roof stands
three boys, representing the Genii of England,
St. Paul's & the River Thames.
Industry And Ingenuity giving a Cornucopiæ
to the Genius of England. THE Panels of each side
of right Door. History recording the reports
of Fame and Peace burning the Implements of war.
THE BACK PANEL. Neptune and Amphitrite
issuing from their Palace in a triumphant car drawn
by Sea-Horses, attended by the Winds, Rivers, Tritons
Naiads &c. bringing the Tribute of the world to the
British Shore. Upper part of Back Pannel.
Is the Royal Arms beautifully ornamented with
the Order of St. George; the Rose Shamrock,
and Thistle entwined. THE LEFT DOOR.
Mars, Minerva, and Mercury supporting the Imperial
Crown of Great Britain. THE Panels of each
side of Left Door. The liberal Arts and Sciences
protected. The Front and Four Quarter
panels over the paintings are Plate Glass.
The whole of the carriage and Body is richly ornimented with Laurel and carved work, beautifully
gilt. The length 24 feet, width 8 feet 3 inches,
height 12 feet, length of pole 12 feet 4 inches weight
4 tons. The carriage & body of the coach is composed
as follows:- Of four large Tritons who support the
body by four braces covered with blue morocco leather
and ornamented with guilt buckles. The two
figures placed in front of the carriage bear the
driver and are represented in the action of drawing
by cables extending round their shoulders and the
cranes, and sounding shells to announce the approach
of the Monarch of the Ocean: and those at the back carry
the Imperial Facess, topt with tridents. The Driver's
Foot-Board is a large scollop shell, ornamented by
bunches of reeds & other marine plants. The Pole
represents a bundle of Lances; the splinter Bar is
composed of a rich moulding issuing from beneath
a voluted shell & each end terminating in the head of a
Dolphin; and the wheels are imitated from those of
the ancient triumphal chariot. The Body of the
coach is composed of Eight palm Trees, which.
branching out at the, top sustain the roof, and
four angular trees are loaded with trophies
allusive to the victories obtained by Great Britain
during the late glorious war, supported by four
lions' heads. On the centre of the Roof stands
three boys, representing the Genii of England,
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 8, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025,