Lord Mayor of London arose & addressed a cro-
uded assembly of about 3000 person[s] in the cCiteey
Road Chapel (which was the first chapel ever built
by Mr John Wesley) the Lord Mayor says It is with
pleasure that I have been permiteted to preside over
this respectable body this evening on so important
occasion the memory of which will be i[n]delibly
fixed upon my mind as one of the most pleasing
events of my life, & I trust I shall ever be as
ready to perform evry Duty required of me by the
citizens of London as I have been to meet with
our Wesleyan friends this evening, the house rung
with applause, & the congregation dispersed the
Lord Mayor was conveyed to his Mansion in his
private carriage drawn by two Steeds whose harness
decorated with gold & silver which were glistning in
the sable shadses of night,
But in the midst of all this scenery who can imag
in my feelings none but those placed in kike [like]
circumstancs though I had a mission & a message
to the Inhabitants of London & stood in there mids[t]
ready to deliver it as soon as God opened my way
yet I was as little unknown by them, as Jonah
was to the citizens of Niniva while in the whales
Blelly & I clearly saw & realized that notwi-
thstanding this great display of talent, power &
policy, to send missionaries to the heathen they
as much need an humble messenger of God to
teach them the first principles of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ as Niniva Did a Prophet to cry repen
tance unto them, I retired home alone meditating
upon the signs of the Present generation
24th We wrote a lengthy Lengthy letter jointly to
Elder Elias Smith. I spent a part of the day in cir
culating & posting up our hand bills which contained the
following inscriptions "He that judgeth a matter before he
heareth is not wise" The Latter Day Saints meet
for public worship at Mr J. Barrett's Academy,
57, King Square, Goswell Road—
Lord Mayor of London arose & addressed a crouded assembly of about 3000 persons in theCitys
Road Chapel (which was the first Chapel ever built
by Mr John Wesley) the Lord Mayor says It is with
Pleasure that I have been permitted to preside over
this respectable body this evening on so important
occasion the memory of which will be indelibly
fixed upon my mind as one of the most pleasing
events of my life, & I trust I shall ever be as
ready to perform evry Duty required of me by the
citizens of London as I have been to meet with
our Wesieyan friends this evening, the house rung
with applause, & the congregation dispersed the
Lord Mayor was conveyed to his Mansion in his
private carriage drawn by two Steeds whose harness
decorated with gold & silver which were glistning in
the sable shadss of night,
But in the midst of all this scenery who can imag
in my feelings none but those placed in kike
circumstancs though I had a mission & a message
to the Inhabitants of London & stood in there midst
ready to deliver it as soon as God opened my way
yet I was as little unknown by them, as Jonah
was to the citizens of Niniva while in the whales
Belly & I clearly saw & realized that notwithstanding this great display of talent, Power &
Policy, to send missionaries to the heathen they
as much need an humble messenger of God to
teach them the first Principles of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ as Niniva Did a Prophet to cry repen
tance unto them, I retired home alone meditating
upon the signs of the Present generation
~ Friday
23rd [FIGURE] I received two letters one from Sister
Sarah Foss & the other from Brother Ilus F. Carter
I was truly glad to hear from our Maine friends
we [FIGURE] wrote 3 letters one to A Cordon, one to G Simpson
& one to W. Richards signed Woodruff & Smith
~ Saturday
24th [FIGURE] We wrote a lengthy Lengthy letter jointly to
Elder Elias Smith. I spent a part of the day in cir
culating & posting up our hand bills which contained the
following inscriptions "He that judgeth a matter before he
heareth is not wise" The Latter Day Saints meet
for public worship at Mr J. Barrett's Academy,
57, King Square, Goswell Road -
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," October 22, 1840 - October 24, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/1kR