The following letter we copy fro[m] [page torn]
exchange papers which places in a s[page torn]
point of light the tendency of this [page torn]
It has sumthing more than the bold [page torn]
and eloquent stile which we admire, to rec-
ommend it to the Saints, viz truth which all
though this generation may be unwilling to
admit, will by & by break upon them with
tenfold violence and carry away their refuge
of Lies
Mr : I am horror stricken with
dreadful facts of almost daily occurrence.
Scarcely a news paper which is not surcharg-
ed with terrible acounts of murder, theft,
robberies, houseburning or the like. Moral
restraints no longer holds men in check.
The ligaments of law are but feble barriers
to licentious man. Ambition, rage revenge, or
lust are the laws by which he is governed.
The most slight insult is a pretext for
shedding a fellow creature's blood, as if the
Blood of a murdered man had no voice
before the throne of the Lord God o[f] heav
en & earth. Dirks, Pistols, Bowie-knives,
&c are daily worn by thousands—worn even
at the plough.
I tremble for the fate
of my country—for the fate of the human
family! whare will these things end? what a
horrid state of things at this time compared
with the moral situation of the world thirty
years ago! what a recklessness of life! How
Impotent are the laws of God and man in check-
ing the mighty tide of crime! What is
to be the state of society; thirty years
The following letter we copy from page torn
exchange papers which places in a spage torn
point of light the tendency of this page torn
It has sumthing more than the bold page torn
and eloquent stile which we admire, to recommend it to the saints, viz truth which all
though this generation may be unwilling to
admit, will by & by break upon them with
tenfold violence and carry away their refuge
of Lies
Mr Editor: I am horror stricken with
dreadful facts of almost daily occurrence.
Scarcely a news paper which is not surcharged with terrible acounts of murder, theft,
robberies, houseburning or the like. Moral
restraints no longer hold men in check.
The ligaments of law are but feble barriers
to licentious man. Ambition, rage revenge, or
lust are the laws by which he is governed.
The most slight insult is a pretext for
shedding a fellow creature's blood, as if the
blood of a murdered man had no voice
before the throne of the Lord God of heaven & earth. Dirks, Pistols, Bowie-knives,
&c are daily worn by thousands—worn even
at the plough.
I tremble for the fate
of my Country—for the fate of the human
family! whare will these things end? what a
horrid state of things at this time compared
with the moral situation of the world thirty
years ago! what a recklessness of life! How
Impotent are the laws of God and man in checking the mighty tide of crime! What is
to be the state of society; thirty years