[FIGURE] A large Bell at which had been
used many years, broke while tolling for President
Death in a moderate manner
While General Harrison was on his way to
Washington to take his seat after his Election
He passed through a town whare there was
a child named after him who Died at the same
time the General was passing by
A splended ball was appointed in Maine
in honour to President Harrison. The man who
was Appointed to lead the first Dance took his
Daughter by the hand, & the first step he took
Droped Dead upon the floor
While President Harrison while lying upon
his death bed [he] had the 21 ch of Isaiah deeply
impressed upon his mind esspecially the 11 vers
& probably the 16th vers is the fulfillment
of what was on his mind
Does it not mean that wars trouble &
wars & disasters await the nation & that
Congress will be broaken up dispenc[e]d
& destroyed & the glory their of pass away
within a year time will determin
the President was much troubled because
none was found to interpet the chapter
unto [him]
[FIGURE] A large Bell at which had been
used many years, broke while tolling for President
Death in a moderate manner
While General Harrison was on his way to
Washington to take his seat after his Election
He passed through a town whare there was
a child named after him who Died at the same
time the General was passing by
A splended ball was appointed in Maine
in honour to President Harrison. The man who
was appointed to lead the first Dance took his
Daughter by the hand, & the first step he took
Droped Dead upon the floor
While President Harrison while lying upon
his death bed he had the 21 ch of Isaiah deeply
impressed upon his mind esspecially the 11 vers
& probably the 16th vers is the fulfillment
of what was on his mind
Does it not mean that wars trouble &
& disasters await the nations & that
congress will be broaken up dispenced
& destroyed & the glory theirof passaway
within a year time will determin
the President was much troubled because
none was found to interpet the chapter
unto him