If you can render us any assistance in this matter,
with the next company of Elders, it will be a great
favor. We need a large quantity of tracts, such as
No1 and 2. (No 3 is unsuitable here.)
"Second Coming" and Character of Mormon people,
's "True v. False religion,— 'Only true Gospel,
's tracts and any others that are suitable
for general circulation on the First principles of the Gospel.
If you have any spare copies of "Resources and attractions
of Utah,"—as circulated at the Midwinter Fair we could
use them to good advantage in all the public libraries
of the Colonies. I trust you will pardon me referring
so urgently to this subject but there is such a demand
for our church literature now, that I deemed it prudent
to submit the matter for your consideration.
I shall be pleased to receive counsel from you
as often as circumstances will permit, and pray
earnestly that God will continue to bless and
prosper Zion.
Your brother in the Gospel,
c/o J H. Dalton,
Box 236
Let us do all we
can in the way of furnishing
tracts &c. and otherwise.
[sideways text]
Wm Gardner
Aug. 2 [18]94
[end of sideways text]