2nd It rained for the first time to day since I have been here John W Moved into his new store to day. I assisted him
in Moving
~ Thursday
3. I wrote one letter to Lot Smith I spent most of the day
in moving goods into the New store John W Young
bought to day of the Navajos 1408 lbs of wool at 5 cts lb
~ Friday
4. I spent the day in assisting to move the goods into the
New store
~ Saturday
5 I took my gun and Dog Bobby and visited the
Lake I shot into a flock of teal, the first shot with
the assistance of the Dog I got 7 that I killed dead I
do not know how many I wounded. I shot 2 at another
shot I brought home 9. I walked about 10 Miles was
vary weary when I got home 10 M[iles]
~ Sunday
Aprill6, 1879. 49 years ago to day Joseph Smith
the Prophet organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints with 6 members and to day I still live in the
flesh and am here in Moancopy Yavapie Co Arizona Ter
whare I am making it my home for the time being On an
Indian Mission. There is to day but one of the first
Quorum of the Apostles Organized ^alive^ viz Orson Pratt, and
two of the seconed Quorum 2John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff
how long we shall live the Lord knoweth, I do not. The General
Conference of the Church met to day in the big Tabernacle
in the city of Salt Lake while I am in this barren Desert
Country for keeping one of the command[me]nts of God viz the
Patriarchal Order of Marriage will the next April Conference
~ Tuesday
April 1, 1879
I assisted in placing the wool press in position
~ Wednesday
2nd It rained for the first time to day since I have been here
John W Moved into his new store to day. I assisted him
in Moving
~ Thursday
3. [FIGURE] I wrote one letter to Lot Smith I spent most of the day
in moving goods into the New Store John W Young
bought to day of the Navajos 1408 lbs of wool at 5 cts lb
~ Friday
4. I spent the day in assisting to move the goods into the
New Store
~ Saturday
5 I took my gun and Dog Bobby and visited the
Lake I shot into a flock of teal, the first shot with
the assistance of the Dog I got 7 that I killed dead I
do not know how many I wounded. I shot 2 at another
shot I brought home 9. I walked about 10 Miles was
vary weary when I got home 10 Miles
~ Sunday
April6, 1879. 49 years ago to day Joseph Smith
the Prophet Organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints with 6 members and to day I still live in the
flesh and am here in Moancopy Yavapie Co Arizona Ter
whare I am making it my home for the time being On an
Indian Mission. There is to day but one of the first
Quorum of the Apostles Organized alive viz Orson Pratt, and
two of the seconed Quorum John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff
how long we shall live the Lord knoweth, I do not. The General
Conference of the Church met to day in the big Tabernacle
in the City of Salt Lake while I am in this barren Desert
Country for keeping one of the commandments of God viz the
Patriarchal Order of Marriage will the next April Conference
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," April 1, 1879 - April 6, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 27, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/2vqN