Earth, before God, Angels, or Man from this Earth
since the foundation of world was laid: Therefore I
feel justified in changing the order of the lecture usally
given here, there is no men here and all of you have heretofore
received your Endowments. I feel that it is due you at
this time and place to give you the origin of this scene which
is presented before us today. Ever since I have been working
in this Temple my mind has been exercised in behalf of the
dead, And have felt a great desire to see my dead redeemed
before I passed away. A few days ago I went into the Cealing room whare I often go to pray for I consider
there is no spot on this Ear[t]h more acceptable than
this Temple and while there I went befor the Lord
with this subject resting upon my mind And I prayed
the Lord to open My way to see my Dead redeemed,
And while I prayed the spirit of the Lord rested
upon me and conveyed the following Testimony to
^^ me. Let my servant Wilford call upon the virgins
Maidens, Daughters, & Mothers in Zion and let them
Enter into my ^Holy^ Temple on the 1 day of March the
day that my servant Wilford has seen th^e^ time
alloted to man, Three score years and Ten, and
there let them received their washing and Anont-
ings and Endowments for and in behalf of the wives
who are dead and halve been sealed to my servant
Wilford, or those who are to be sealed to him, and this
shall be acceptable unto me saith the Lord, and the
dead of my servant shall be redeemed in the spirit
Earth, before God, Angels, or Man from this Earth
since the foundation of world was laid: Therefore I
feel justified in changing the order of the lecture usally
given here, there is no men here and all of you here heretofore
received your Endowments. I feel that it is due you at
this time and place to give you the origin of this scene which
is presented before us today. Ever since I have been working
in this Temple my mind has been Exercised in behalf of the
dead, And have felt a great desire to see my dead redeemed
before I passed away. A few days ago I went into the
Cealing room whare I often go to pray for I consider
there is no spot on this Earth more acceptable than
this Temple and while there I went befor the Lord
with this subject resting upon my mind And I prayed
the Lord to open My way to see my Dead Redeemed,
And while I prayed the spirit of the Lord rested
upon me and conveyed the following Testimony to
FIGURES me. Let my servant Wilford call upon the virgins
Maidens, Daughters, & Mothers in Zion and let them
Enter into my Holy Temple on the 1 day of March the
day that my servant Wilford has seen the time
alloted to man, Three score years and Ten, and
there let them received their washing and Anontings and Endowments for and in behalf of the wives
who are dead and halve been sealed to my servant
Wilford, or those who are to be sealed to him, and this
shall be acceptable unto me Saith the Lord, and the
dead of my servant shall be redeemed in the spirit
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," March 1, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,