Breakfas from a fire made of Dead Joshua`s a speics of
cacktus 12 feet high, 12 to 16 inches through which when dead
makes a good fire. This desert abounds with the greatest
variety of cacktuses I ever saw, the Joshuas here are ownly 12
feet high, in Calafornia they grow 50 feet. We also have the common
cacktus 6 feet high, the Devils pin quishion 3 feet, the snake
cacktus 6 feet. The yankee pin cacktus that is covered with
regular pins with heads on that answer for use as well
as sale pins, then we have the common Leaf prickly pear
we drove to day through the canyon and on to Santa Clara
settlem[en]t. I stoped with a good kind friend who gave me
a room by myself with a good fire, Bed, furniture, and a
plenty to eat I took a good supper then a Bath and change
of clothing which I much needed after wandering in a dusty
desert for a week Brother David left for home I went to bed
and had a good nights riest 25 M[iles].
19. I wrote 9 Letters to Phebe 6 to Emma & family to Hill
and Jaques I spent the day confined to my room
Feb 17, 1879
Breakfas from a fire made of Dead Joshua's a speics of
cacktus 12 feet high, 12 to 16 inches through which when dead
makes a good fire. This desert abounds with the greatest
variety of cacktuses I ever saw, the Joshuas here are ownly 12
feet high, in Calafornia they grow 50 feet. we also have the common
cacktus 6 feet high, the Devils pin quishion 3 feet, the snake
cacktus 6 feet. The yankee pin cacktus that is covered with
Regular pins with heads on that answer for use as well
as sale pins, then we have the common Leaf prickly pear
we drove to day through the canyon and on to Santa Clara
Settlement. I stoped with a good kind friend who gave me
a room by myself with a good fire, Bed, furniture, and a
Plenty to Eat I took a good supper then a Bath and change
of clothing which I much needed after wandering in a dusty
desert for a week Brother David left for home I went to bed
and had a good nights rest 25 Miles.
18 I arose this morning refreshed by sleep had a good Breakfast
of Quails I shot yesterday I wrote 2 letters to John Taylor
[FIGURE] and council gave a history of my desert trip I also
wrote to Phebe. I was called up at 10 oclok By E Snow and D. H
[FIGURE] Cannon who deliverd me a package of Letters of 18 in Number
3 from Wilford, 5 from Emma & family, 2 from Delight, and
one from Sorrenson, & Hill & Bayliss, Julia spencer sister
Browit, J. JacquesGeorge Rowley, David & McAllister
~ Wednesday
19. FIGURES I wrote 9 Letters to Phebe 6 to Emma & family to Hill
and Jaques I spent the day confined to my room
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 17, 1879 - February 19, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,