17. Sunday I met with my circle at Noon & attended
in the Tabernacle. G. Q. Cannon spoke 65 Minuts followed By
President Brigham Young who spoke in power 40 Minuts
said there was but two roads one to Exhaltation & glory [FIGURE] and the other to condemnation & final destruction
untill the wicked would finally be desolved back into their
Native Element & they be known no more forever
17 to 23 I received 2 letters & wrote I spent the
week on the farm mostly
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I met with my circle at Noon Attended Meetin
in the TabernaceJohn Taylor spoke one hour & 20 Minuts I met
with the Twelve for Prayer at 4 oclok then called upon President Young at his office & conversed upon Many subjects I
went to the 15 ward and spoke about one hour
26 I spent the day at the farm preparing for threshing
~ Wednesday
27. I had my Grain threshed to day I had 502 Bu[she]ls
of wheat & oatBarley it was a hard days work for me
I put my Grain into my new Grainery which I had
I had just Built
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
28 & 29. I spent the time in cleaning up my straw
stack & chaff piles. I mowed my lucern patch
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
Sept 14, 1876
14 15 & 16. I was at work on the farm
~ Sunday
17. Sunday I met with my circle at Noon & attended
in the Tabernacle. G. Q. Cannon spoke 65 Minuts followed By
President Brigham Young who spoke in power 40 Minuts
said there was but two roads one to Exhaltation & glory
FIGURES and the other to condemnation & final destruction
untill the wicked would finally be desolved back into their
Native Element & they be known no more forever
17 to 23 FIGURES I received 2 letters & wrote I spent the
week on the farm mostly
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I met with my circle at Noon Attended Meeting
in the TabernaceJohn Taylor spoke one hour & 20 Minuts I met
with the Twelve for Prayer at 4 oclok then called upon President
Young at his office & conversed upon Many subjects I
went to the 15 ward and spoke about one hour
~ Monday
25 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Ezra Clark & Sarah Woodruff
and went to the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 43, D H Wells sealed 20 couple & W. Woodruff 33. We
spent the Evening at President Youngsoffice and
conversed upon Many things
~ Tuesday
26 I spent the day at the farm preparing for threshing
~ Wednesday
27. I had my Grain threshed to day I had 502 Bushels
of wheat &Barley it was a hard days work for me
I put my Grain into my new Grainery which I had
I had just Built
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
28, & 29. I spent the time in cleaning up my straw
stack & chaff piles. I mowed my lucern patch
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 14, 1876 - September 29, 1876, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 4, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Jq7g