on our return home I was in the forward carriage
& when we got to the Temple Block an Engign with a
train of carse came up the driver stoped the Mules
& we passed in safety but the carriage Behingd me containing James Woodruff, His wife fFanny, & child, & also Fannys Mother
also a young Man By the name of Bunker about 15 years
of Age The Team belonged to Bishop Thomas Taylor & the
carriage to Br Martin this team took fright abogh
opposite the House of D. H. Wells & run away the driver
could not controll them James finding the team was
running away flung open the door & tried to climb
on Top of the carriage to take the lines while in the act
the Horses at the Council House cornor wheeled
around so suddenly that they flung the carriage
one & a half over & it struck on the top of the carriage
& made an awful wreck of the esstablishment & stove
the whole body of the carriage into kindling wood it flung
James Entirely clear of the carriage which perhaps
saved his life. The old Lady & child Esscaped
unhurt it Broke the Hand & fingers of Fanny vary
badly the driver had the wreck piled on top of
him He was taken out for dead but signs of life
soon appeared his scalp was abot half torn off & lai [lay]
on on[e] side of his face. The surgeons cleaned the scull
laid back the scalp & sowed it up when the carr-
iage turned over the Horses were liberated from it &
ran down the street ran into a water cart
& killed one of the Horses that is so he died next day
Sept 23 1874
on our return home I was in the forward carriage
& when we got to the Temple Block an Engign with a
train of carse came up to the driver stoped the Mules
& we passed in safety but the carriage Behind me containing
James Woodruff, His wife Fanny, & child & also Fannys Mother
also a young Man By the name of Bunker about 15 years
of Age The Team belonged to Bishop Thomas Taylor & the
carriage to Br Martin this team took fright
opposite the House of D. H. Wells & run away the driver
could not controll them James finding the team was
running away flung open the door & tried to climb
on Top of the carriage to take the lines while in the act
the Horses at the Council House cornor wheeled
around so suddenly that they flung the carriage
one & a half over & it struck on the top of the carriage
& made an awful wreck of the esstablishment & stove
the whole body of the carriage into kindling wood it flung
James Entirely clear of the carriage which perhaps
saved his life. The old Lady & child Esscaped
unhurt it Broke the Hand & fingers of Fanny vary
badly the driver had the wreck piled on top of
him He was taken out for dead but signs of life
soon appeared his scalp was abot half torn off & laid
on one side of his face. The surgeons cleaned the scull
laid back the scalp & sowed it up when the carriage turned over the Horses were liberated from it &
ran down the street ran into a water cart
& killed one of the Horses that is so he died the next day
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 23, 1874, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ZVwQ