I went down to the family of James & found them
quite in Distress we Administered to his wife & youngest child which was vary sick with the Hooping [whooping] cough the
same as the child died with which we had Just
Buried. While I was there the young Man was brought
there to Brother Taylors He was still alive & we administered
to him by the laying on of hands I then went to the House
of President Brigham Young & anointed him & laid Hands
upon him & blessed him G. A. Smith Anointed him A Carr-
ington was Mouth in Blessing him He had been
vary sick sick through the day seemed Better when we
left him.
~ Thursday
24. There was another runaway to day Mrs White
the wife of the Banker & another Lady was in a carriage
& the Horses rum away Both Ladies Jumped out it was
reported that Mrs White was killed She was badly hurt
but not killed the Horses ran into a picket fence & one
of them were killed I spent the day at the farm 6 [miles]
~ Friday
25. Bunker The young Man Bunker that was driving the
carriage that James & family was in died to day I
spent the time at at the farm I met in the Evening with the Board
~ Saturday
26. I spent this day at the farm & returned to the city at night
~ Sunday
27. I Attended the funeral of Brother Bunker at the 14 ward Angus Cannon spoke & W Woodruff followed him. I attended
the Meeting in the Afternoon G. A. Smith preached I met
with the Twelve for prayer
Sept 23, 1874
I went down to the family of James & found them
quite in Distress we Administered to his wife & youngest
child which was vary sick with the Hooping cough the
same as the child died with which we had Just
Buried. while I was there the young Man was brought
there to Brother Taylors He was still alive & we administered
to him by the laying on of hands I then went to the House
of President Brigham Young & anointed him & laid Hands
upon him & blessed him G. A. Smith Anointed him A Carrington was Mouth in Blessing him He had been
vary sick through the day seemed Better when we
left him.
~ Thursday
24. [FIGURE] There was another runaway to day Mrs White
the wife of the Banker & another Lady was in a carriage
& the Horses rum away Both Ladies Jumped out it was
reported that Mrs White was killed She was badly hurt
but not killed the Horses ran into a picket fence & one
of them were killed I spent the day at the farm 6 miles
~ Friday
25. [FIGURE] Bunker The young Man Bunker that was driving the
carriage that James & family was in died to day I
spent the time at at the farm I met in the Evening with the Board
~ Saturday
26. I spent this day at the farm & returned to the City at night
~ Sunday
27. I Attended the funeral of Brother Bunker at the 14 ward
Angus Cannon spoke & W Woodruff followed him. I attended
the Meeting in the Afternoon G. A. Smith preached I met
with the Twelve for prayer
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 23, 1874 - September 27, 1874, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 30, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/1rYZ