spoke one hour & 20 Minutes I met with my Quorum at Noon &
with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
7th to 12 I spent the week Haying I received 3 letters
~ Sunday
13. Sunday I attended Meeting at the TabernacleE F Sheets spoke
37 Minutes O Pratt 29. Afternoon G. Q. Cannon spoke one hour
& 14 Minutes I attended My Prayer circle at Noon & withe
the Presidency & 12 at Evening & spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening
~ Monday to ~ Friday
14 to 18. I spent the week Haying finished on the 18.
20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
Brother Abel Butterfield spoke 30 Minutes & Brother John
Alberistson 45 Minutes in the Afternoon W Woodruff spok
one Hour & 3 Minutes I attended my prayer Circle at noon
& met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening
~ Monday
21. I wrote one letter to Mrs Gravenston & one to Azmon Woodruff
I went to Lehi on the cars with the Presidency to& aTwelve to attend
a Rail Road Meeting the stock was offered to the people
& they concluded to take it J F Smith & myself Dined with Br Daniel Thomas. we returned to the city by the 5 oclok train
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day at home to work in the garden
~ Wednesday
23rd I spent the day at work & went to the farm at night with Bulah & bayby
July 6, 1873
spoke one hour & 20 Minuts I met with my Quorum at Noon &
with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
7th to 12 [FIGURE] I spent the week Haying I received 3 letters
~ Sunday
13. Sunday I attended Meeting at the TabernacleE F Sheets spoke
37 Minuts O Pratt 29. Afternoon G. Q. Cannon spoke one hour
& 14 Minuts I attended My Prayer Circle at Noon & withe
the Presidency & 12 at Evening & spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening
~ Monday to ~ Friday
14 to 18. I spent the week Haying finished on the 18.
20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
Brother Abel Butterfield spoke 30 Minuts & Brother John
Albiston 45 Minuts in the Afternoon W Woodruff spok
One Hour & 3 Minuts I attended my prayer Circle at noon
& met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening
~ Monday
21. [FIGURE] I wrote one letter to Mrs Gravenston & one to Azmon Woodruff
I went to Lehi on the cars with the Presidency&Twelve to attend
a Rail Road Meeting the stock was offered to the people
& they concluded to take it J F Smith & myself Dined with Br
Daniel Thomas, we returned to the city by the 5 oclok train
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day at home to work in the garden
~ Wednesday
23rd I spent the day at work & went to the farm at night with Bulah & baby
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," July 6, 1873 - July 23, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/86Er