Feb 17, 1873 I received 2 letters & wrote 23 to WilfordSarah & Perkins
it was a hard snow storm I met with the school in the Evening
~ Tuesday
18. A plessent day good sleighing Congress men continue to
Bring in Bills for the persecution of the Latter Day Saints for
there religion President Grant is like Phario of old determ[in]ed
to destroy the Saints of God but He will be tfoiled in his purpose
for the Lord will Defend Zion I received 2 letters & wrote 1 to Thompson Woodruff
~ Wednesday
19 I went to the field & spent the night all the Attention of 6 M[iles]
Congress seems to be turned to Utah affairs President Grant
seems determined to persecute the Saints to the Extent of his power
21 Feb 1873 To day the Bills for the suppressinon of th[e]
Mormons in Utah, & to lay plans for their destruction for
their religion will come before Congress May the Lord
direct this thing to his own honor & glory & the Esstablishmt
of his kingdom & the downfall of the wicked
I ^w^rote to I. F. Carter Telegrams this Evening say Congress did
not act upon the Utah Bill to day
~ Saturday
22 A Telegram says it is now proposed to send a commissi[on]
to Utah to investigate the charges made against the people thi[s]
is what we want we are not afraid of the truth I spent the day
drawing stones
~ Sunday
23rd Feb 1873 to day we were called upon to attend the
Funeral of Wm Pitt who received the gospel
under my teaching in Herrifordshire England
in 1840. He fell from an Engine while painting
it & died on Friday the 21, Feb it was Held in the 14 ward school House
~ Monday
Feb 17, 1873
FIGURES I received 2 letters & wrote3 to WilfordSarah & Perkins
it was a hard snow storm I met with the school in the Evening
~ Tuesday
18. A plesant day good sleighing. Congressmen continue to
Bring in Bills for the persecution of the Latter Day Saints for
there religion President Grant is like Phario of Old determined
to destroy the Saints of God but He will befoiled in his purpose
for the Lord will Defend Zion I received 2 letter &
FIGURES wrote 1 to Thompson Woodruff
~ Wednesday
19 I went to the field & spent the night all the Attention of 6M
Congress seems to be turned to Utah affairs President Grant
seems determined to Persecute the Saints to the Extent of his power
21 Feb 1873 [FIGURE] To day the Bills for the suppression of the
Mormons in Utah, & to lay plans for their destruction for
their religion will come before Congress May the Lord
direct this thing to his own honor & glory & the Esstablishmt
of his kingdom & the downfall of the wicked
[FIGURE] I wrote I. F. Carter. Telegrams this Evening say Congress did
not act upon the Utah Bill to day
~ Saturday
22 A Telegram says it is now proposed to send a commission
to Utah to investigate the charges made against the people this
is what we want we are not afraid of the truth I spent the day
drawing stones
~ Sunday
23rd Feb 1873 to day we were called upon to attend the
FIGURES sideways text Wm Pitt end of sideways text sideways text Wm Player end of sideways text Funeral of Wm Pitt who received the gospel
under my teaching in Herrifordshire England
in 1840. He fell from an Engine while painting
it & died on Friday the 21, Feb it was Held in the 14 ward school House
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 17, 1873 - February 23, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/E9xl