Jan 17. I spent the day in the Legislative Council I receved
3 letter & & wrote 3 one to the Editor of the New England
Historical & Geneallogical Journal who sent for $3
for the Journal I sent him word that I had forward it
on the 10 inst.
~ Tuesday
18. I spent this day in the council
~ Wednesday
^^ 19 I spent the day in the council I wrote one letter & rec[eive]d 1.
~ Thursday
20. last Evening David, Brigham, Bulah & others
had their heads examined & charts given them I spent
the day in the council
~ Friday
21. I spent the day in the council
~ Saturday
212 I wrote 2 letter to G. Q. Cannon &c. Received 2 letter
I went to the field in the Evening & spent the night 6 [miles]
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I returned to the city I Bought the History of the Harts of Connecticut all the descendants of DeaconStephenHart who was born in Braintree England
in 1605, came to America to Cambridge Mass, then to Hartford
Conn, then to Farmington. His descendants No in this History
2958. Some 2000 of these are dead I am preparing to
draw these off for Baptism
~ Monday
24. I spent the day in council, the evening in Meeting with D A & M
~ Tuesday
25 Rockwood I Attended the funeral of Sister Rockwood
the first wife of Albert P Rockwood. President Young was present
when He came in the lid was off from the coffin. reqPresident
Young requested that it should be put on which was done.
I spoke to the People followed by John Taylor I spent
the Afternoon in the council and the night at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
26 Brought up Barley to Pay for a Rotary Harrow $23.26
~ Monday
Jan 17.
FIGURES I spent the day in the Legislative Council I receved
3 letter & & wrote 3 one to the Editor of the New England
Historical & Geneallogical Journal who sent for $3
for the Journal I sent him word that I had forward it
on the 10 inst.
~ Tuesday
18. I spent this day in the council
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 19 I spent the day in the council I wrote one letter & received 1.
~ Thursday
20. FIGURES last Evening David, Brigham, Bulah & others
had their heads examined & charts given them I spent
the day in the council
~ Friday
21. I spent the day in the council
~ Saturday
22 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letter to G. Q. Cannon &c. Received 2 letter
I went to the field in the Evening & spent the night 6 miles
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I returned to the city I Bought the History of
FIGURES the Harts of Connecticut all the descendants of
DeaconStephenHart who was born in Braintree England
in 1605, came to America to Cambridge Mass, then to Hartford
Conn, then to Farmington. His desendants Mo in this History
2958. Some 2000 of these are dead I am preparing to
draw these off for Baptism
~ Monday
24. I spent the day in council, the Evening in Meetig with D A & M
~ Tuesday
25 [FIGURE] Rockwood I Attended the funeral of Sister Rockwood
the first wife of Albert P Rockwood President Young was present
when He came in the lid was off from the coffin. President
Young requested that it should be put on which was done.
I spoke to the People followed by John Taylor I spent
the Afternoon in the council and the night at the farm 6 Miles
~ Wednesday
26 Brought up Barley to Pay for a Rotary Harrow $23.26
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 17, 1876 - January 26, 1876, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wmRr