I also drank a surrup made of Hops and Onions. I received 4 letters to day from Bulah, Leslie, Nellie, & A M Tenney
concerning the Purchase of St John I got an interesting letter
from Bulah. Brother Wakefield arived as a Messenger
from Br Tenney with the Letters
~ Thursday
11 I received Letters from G Teasdale & J. C. Owens Jr. I
^^ wrote 78 Letters to A M Tenney, Richards & Allen and
J C Owens I also wrote a letter of 8 pages to Bulah
spoke of my cold on my Lungs and gave her advise
upon various subjects I also wrote Letters to Phebe, Wilford, & Leslie wrote untill a late hour
13 I received a letter from A M Tenney
I wrote 2 Letters to Tenney & Azmon W of 12 pages
and gave him an account of my Lamanite Mission
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I met with the people and spoke 30 M[inutes],
followed by Lot Smith 30 M. We again met in the
Evening I spoke a short time followed By Lot Smith Joseph H. WatkinsWm H James Lot Smith spoke
again and I followed him 30 M. I wrote a letter to A. M. Tenney & Richards & Allen of St Joseph
~ Monday
15 This morning Br Lot Smith was Notified
to stop tresspassing upon the Governm[en]t Timber land
By cutting timber and to pay for what they had
cut I wrote to John Taylor and G Q Cannon upon
the subject I also wrote to Nellie & sent her $10.
Dec 10, 1879
I also drank a surrup made of Hops and Onions. I received
[FIGURE] 4 letters to day from Bulah, Leslie, Nellie, & A M Tenney
concerning the Purchase of St John I got an interesting letter
from Bulah. Brother Wakefield arived as a Messenger
from Br Tenney with the Letters
~ Thursday
11 I received Letters from G Teasdale & J. C. Owens Jr. I
[FIGURE] wrote8 Letters to A M Tenney, Richards & Allen and
J C Owens I also wrote a letter of 8 pages to Bulah
spoke of my cold on my Lungs and gave her advise
upon various subjects I also wrote Letters to Phebe,
Wilford, & Leslie wrote untill a late hour
13 [FIGURE] I received a letter from A M Tenney
I wrote 2 Letters to Tenney & Azmon W 10 of 12 pages
and gave him an account of my Lamanite Mission
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I met with the people and spoke 30 Minutes,
followed by Lot Smith 30 Minutes. We again met in the
Evening I spoke a short time followed By Lot Smith
Joseph H. WatkinsWm H James Lot Smith spoke
again and I followed him 30 Minutes. I wrote a letter
[FIGURE] to A. M. Tenhey & Richards & Allen of St Joseph
~ Monday
15 FIGURES This Morning Br Lot Smith was Notified
to stop trespassing upon the Government Timber land
By cutting timber and to pay for what they had
cut I wrote to John Taylor and G Q Cannon upon
the subject I also wrote to Nellie & sent her $10.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," December 10, 1879 - December 16, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jqMR