the Lord and have been ordained unto the Holy
Priesthood. if you are living your religion and
Enjoying the spirit of inspiration which is your Duty
you know as gGod Lives, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of
God, that He recived the Administration of Angels, that He
brought forth the Book of Mormon and translated it By
the power of God. you know He received the fulness of
the Everlasting Gospel, and the Holy Priesthood, and
Apostleship, and the Keys there off, and He organized
the Church of Christ the ownly true and living Church
upon the face of the whole Earth with its gifts and graces
thereoff with which the Lord is well pleased [Doctrine and Covenants 1:30]; you
also know Joseph Smith the Prophet left his testiment
upon the Earth, and sealed that testiment with his
own life and Blood, and that testiment is in force
upon all the world. And that Testiment is filled with
the revelations of God that stands upon its pages
like flames of Living fire, ready to be fulfilled upon
all the inhabitants of the Earth. In this testiment the
Lord has commanded his servants to go to all the world
and Preach this gospel of the Kingdom to Every creature
as far as doors can be opened. He has also commanded
his servants to visit New York, Albany, & Boston, and
all the Notible cities and villages of the world, and
reproving them of their ungodly deeds and warning them
of the Desolation and utter abolishment which awaits
them if they reject the servants of God or their testimony [Doctrine and Covenants 84:114]
for with you saith the Lord Almighty I will rend
the Lord and have been ordained unto the Holy
Priesthood. if you are living your religion and
Enjoying the spirit of inspiration which is your Duty
you know as God Lives, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of
God, that He received the Administration of Angels, that He
brought forth the Book of Mormon and translated it By
the power of God. you know He received the fulness of
the Everlasting Gospel, and the Holy Priesthood, and
Apostleship, and the Keys there off, and He organized
the Church of Christ the ownly true and living Church
upon the face of the whole Earth with its gifts and graces
thereoff with which the Lord is well pleased; you
also know Joseph Smith the Prophet left his testiment
upon the Earth, and sealed that testiment with his
own life and Blood, and that testiment is in force
upon all the world. And that Testiment is filled with
the Revelations of God that stands upon its pages
like flames of Living fire, ready to be fulfilled upon
all the inhabitants of the Earth. In this testiment the
Lord has commanded his servants to go to all the world
and Preach this gospel of the Kingdom to Every creature
as far as doors can be opened. He has also commanded
his servants to visit New York, Albany, & Boston, and
all the Notible cities and villages of the world, and
reproving them of their ungodly deeds and warning them
of the Desolation and utter abolishment which awaits
them if they reject the servants of God or their testimony
for with you saith the Lord Almighty I will rend
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,