to once more enter this city after being
Absent more than two years when I left their
was not more than a dozen houses in the town
but now their was more than a dozen several
hundred we passed by the temple as we passed
along & had a view of it soon called at the
house of Elder Young & spent the night with
him he was sick. Elder Kimball was with
him & also Elder Richards we lade hands on him
& he soon recoverd I saw many of my old
friends & acquaintance & I was informed that
many of our old acquaintance & friends are
dead & quite a number among the english emigra
nts Elder Kington'smother & wife, Elder Glover
& many others. distance of the day 35 m[iles]
~ Thursday
7th I met with many friends during the day
I also sat in counsel with the Twelve & was
happy to once more meet with the quorum I
moved my things to Elder Kimball house & spent
the night my wife & child was both sick I called
upon Elders Kington & Brewet & Pitt & Stephen
Luce & many others & spent the night at
Elder Kimball's I received a letter from J Turpin
I paid $10 to E Robeinson for the times & seasons
~ Friday
8th I am quite undecided which way to turn
or whare to settle myself the temporal business
of the Church is laid upon the hands of the
Twelve it has been thought best by some to
of our quorum for me to go to Warsaw with
Elder Richard. Sister kimball deliverd to us all the
things which I had sent to Phebe from England
by Elder Turley which were left in her hands
I paid R Cahoon $5 dollars for Dwight Webster
for the house of the Lord
On looking over all my accounts & expenses
from New York to Nauvoo & I found that all
the expenses of my family travelling expenses
&c from the 20th Aug in New York to the 8thOct
in Nauvoo amounted in all to $238.21 cts
I met in conference with the Twelve & among
other business they voted that I should locate
myself in Nauvoo. I looked over my accounts
with Sister Nelson & she is indetted to me $1 dollar
to once more enter this city after being
absent more than two years when I left their
was not more than a dozen houses in the town
but now their was several
hundred we passed by the temple as we passed
along & had a view of it soon called at the
house of Elder Young & spent the night with
him he was sick Elder Kimball was with
him & also Elder Richards we lade hands on him
& he soon recoverd I saw many of my old
friends & acquaintance & I was informed that
many of our old acquaintance & friends are
dead & quite a number among the english emigra
nts Elder Kington'smother & wife, Elder Glover
& many others, distance of the day 35 m
~ Thursday
7th I met with many friends during the day
I also sat in counsel with the Twelve & was
happy to once more meet with the quorum I
moved my things to Elder Kimball house & spent
the night my wife & child was both sick I called
upon Elders Kington & Brewet & Pitt & Stephen
Luce & many others & spent the night at
Elder Kimball's [FIGURE] I received a letter from J Turpin
I paid $10 to E Robinson for the times & seasons
~ Friday
8th I am quite undecided which way to turn
or whare to settle myself the temporal business
of the Church is laid upon the hands of the
Twelve it has been thought best by some
of our quorum for me to go to warsaw with
Elder Richards Sister Kimball deliverd to us all the
things which I had sent to Phebe from England
by Elder Turley which were left in her hands
I Paid R. Cahoon $5 dollars for Dwight Webster
for the house of the Lord
On looking over all my accounts & expenses
from New York to Nauvoo & I found that all
the expenses of my family travelling expenses
to from the 20th Aug in New York to the 8th Oct
in Nauvoo amounted in all to $238.21 cts
I met in conference with the Twelve & among
other business they voted that I should locate
myself in Nauvoo, I looked over my accounts
with Sister Nelson & she is indetted to me $1 dollar
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," October 6, 1841 - October 8, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,