was nigh unto death had a relaps of her
sickness & also informed me that Br Webster
had returned, & visited them. It seemed
from the Import of the letter that it had been through
a great struggle, exercise of faith, & the mercy
of God that Eunice was in the land of the living.
I immediately carried her case befor the Lord
& plead in her behalf & I was blessed with
a testimony that she would recover & that
I should soon see her face to face
[FIGURE] I also recieved 2 New York Papers from Ilus one of which contained an account of the
taking of President Joseph Smith, b^y^ a writarrant
of Governor Carlin under the requisition of the Governor of Missouri, & was however brought up
on a hab habeas corpus the intent is to deliver
him to the governor of Missouri the paper
also stated that their was much excitement
among the Saints upon the subject &c.
The spirit of persecution has been kept alive
against the Saints in all ages of the world
& will not long sleep untill the Ancient of Days
shall sit. I spent the day at Sister Foss
~ Thursday
July 1st I visited some of the Neighbours
& spent the remaining part of the day
at father Carters. I procured two good
calf skins of father Carter, & Fox Lovett
made me two pair of Boots one of cow
Hide one of calf skin & also made Phebe two
pair of shoes
~ Friday
2nd I rode to Br Luther Scamman visited about
about 3 hours returned to Sister Foss (spent about
3 hours with Br & Sister Edward Milliken they
being the ownly persons I have seen from Buxton
since my arival in Scarborough they sent
several articles by me to Sarah Millikenviz one
Letter, one oil cloth, 2 pair of stockings for Arthur, & one muslin collar.) I returned to father Carters & spent the evening at John Fabyans Ezra Carter Jr was present this closes my visiting
in for the present 8 miles
was nigh unto death had a relaps of her
Sickness & also informed me that Br Webster
had returned, & visited them. It seemed
from the Import of the letter that it had been through
a great struggle, exercise of faith, & the mercy
of God that Eunice was in the land of the living.
I immediately carried her case befor the Lord
& plead in her behalf & I was blessed with
a testimony that she would recover & that
I should soon see her face to face
[FIGURE] I also recieved 2 New York Papers from
Ilus one of which contained an account of the
taking of President Joseph Smith. by a warrant
of Governor Carlin under the requisition of the
Governor of Missouri, & was however brought up
on a habeas corpus the intent is to deliver
him to the governor of Missouri the paper
also stated that their was much excitement
among the Saints upon the subject &c.
The spirit of persecution has been kept alive
against the Saints in all ages of the world
& will not long sleep untill the Ancient of Days
shall sit. I spent the day at Sister Foss
~ Thursday
July 1st I visited some of the Neighbours
& spent the remaining part of the day
at father Carters. I procured two good
calf skins of father Carter, & Fox Lovett
made me two pair of Boots one of cow
hide one of calf skin & also made Phebe two
pair of shoes
~ Friday
2nd I rode to Br Luther Scamman visited about
about 3 hours returned to sister Foss (spent about
3 hours with Br & Sister Edward Milliken they
being the ownly persons I have seen from Buxton
since my arival in Scarborough they sent
several articles by me to Sarah Millikenviz one
Letter, one oil cloth, 2 pair of stockings for
Arthur, & one muslin collar,) I returned to father
Carters & spent the evening at John FabyansEzra Carter Jr was present this closes my visiting
in for the Present 8 miles
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," June 30, 1841 - July 2, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BYN