Aug 27th I wrote 5 letters to London
to the following persons P. P. Pratt, James Albon Henry Connor, Amos Fielding, Ellen B. Redman
which I sent by Br Redman in care of L. Snow
Mr Bennett Editor of the New York Herald
has published in to days paper a long article from
the Times & Seasons giving an account of
the mission of the Twelve in Europe their
success & return to Nauvoo & also entire our
address to the people of the united States con-
taining our principles &c. My family is some
better to day I had an interview with Ilus F
Carter my Br in Law also with Br Davis
~ Saturday
28th I wrote a letter to Elder Lorenzo Snow I received a letter from Sister Phebe Wheeler
which she wrote many days since she has
just arived in this city wishing to accompany
my family to Nauvoo. She has suffered great
persecution in recieving the fulness of the
From this morning papers it seems
the country is still in agitation Mob & Lynch
law seems to rule through the land, I read
in this mornings Sun an advertizment for
me to preach in the National Hall to morrow
I suppose this is the production of Elder Foster
~ Sunday
29th Sunday a vary rainy day I attending
meeting three times during the day at the National
Hall Elder Foster Preached in the morning
& I preached in the afternoon & evening I dined
with Elder Foster
~ Monday
30th Visited various parts of the city spent some
part of the day with Ilus F Carter
~ Tuesday
31st I packed up my trunks to prepare for
continuing my journey
~ Wednesday
Sept 1st The first day of fall I left New York [FIGURE] on Board of Steem Boat Comet sailed
to Stoney Brook Long Island distance 60 miles
~ Friday
Aug 27th [FIGURE] I wrote 5 letters to London
to the following persons P. P. Pratt, James AlbonHenry Connor, Amos Fielding, Ellen B. Redman
which I sent by Br Redman in care of L. Snow
Mr Bennett Editor of the New York Herald
has published in to days paper a long article from
the Times & Seasons giving an account of
the mission of the Twelve in Europe their
success & return to Nauvoo & also entire our
address to the people of the united States containing our principles &c. My family is some
better to day I had an interview with Ilus F
Carter my Br in Law also with Br Davis
~ Saturday
28th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Elder Lorenzo Snow
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Sister Phebe Wheeler
which she wrote many days since she has
just arived in this city wishing to accompany
my family to Nauvoo. She has suffered great
persecution in recieving the fulness of the
gospel. From this morning papers it seems
the country is still in agitation Mob & Lynch
law seems to rule through the land, I read
in this mornings Sun an advertizment for
me to preach in the National Hall to morrow
I suppose this is the production of Elder Foster
~ Sunday
29th Sunday a very rainy day I attending
meeting three times during the day at the National
Hall Elder Foster Preached in the morning
& I preached in the afternoon & evening I dined
with Elder Foster
~ Monday
30th Visited various parts of the city spent some
part of the day with Ilus F Carter
~ Tuesday
31st I packed up my trunks to prepare for
continuing my journey
~ Wednesday
Sept 1st The first day of fall I left New York
[FIGURE] on board of Steem Boat Comet sailed
to Stoney Brook Long Island distance 60 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," August 27, 1841 - September 1, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,