Poliece who were present, but dressed in disguise
After conference closed a scene followed not
easily described, I never saw a time when I needed
more wisdom in order to council in wrighteousness
than on this occasion or during my travels among
the churches, for the Saints universally feel
that the Judgments of God are near in this land
& are anxious to gather with the Saints in Nauvoo
as soon as possible but many are vary poor & see
no door open as yet, & some are placed in all the
perplexing circumstances that possible can be, & are
floccking around me by scorsees at a time & asking
council what to do. As soon as meeting closed multitu
des crouded around me, many hadnds were presented
on evry side to bid me farewell, many calling for me
to bless them before I leave them, others crying
out do lay hands on me & heal me before you go. Br
Woodruff I am turned out of Doors for my religion
what shall I do, I am all ready to go to Zion my wife
wont go with me shall I go & leave her. My
Husband beats me & turns me out of Doors because I
have been Baptized I have got money enough to
carry me & the children to Zion will you let me
go without hime, Br Woodruff one word with
you my Mother is over 80 years of age & has
willed me £60 pounds at her Death but will not
emigrate with me, now I want to go with the Saints
must I stay for her to die or may I go & leave her
Br Woodruff I have sold my little place shall have
£30 pounds tomorrow but must go out of the
house into the street, this will not quite carry
my family to America can you help me to a
few pounds or tell me what to do. An Elder
cries out how much longer must I preach In England before you will let me go to America,
Br Woodruff cant you come & preach to us in Cheltenham. wont you go home & take some tea with
me. My head is in great pain wont you heal me.
I want you to consecrate these bottles of Ioil before
you go. Good by, Good by, Good by, God bless you
Br Woodruff the friends are waiting a long time
for you. Are you going I want a little council
forom you. Br Woodruff may I go to America
with yoy. Say may we take an English ship to
Policee who were present, but dressed in disguise
After Conference closed a scene followed not
easily described, I never saw a time when I needed
more wisdom in order to council in wrighteousness
than on this occasion or during my travels among
the Churches, for the Saints universally feel
that the Judgments of God are near in this land
& are anxious to gather with the Saints in Nauvoo
as soon as possible but many are vary poor & see
no door open as yet, & some are placed in all the
perplexing circumstances that possible can be, & are
floccking around me by scores at a time & asking
council what to do. As soon as meeting closed multitu
des crouded around me, many hands were presented
on evry side to bid me farewell, many calling for me
to bless them before I leave them, others crying
out do lay hands on me & heal me before you go. Br
Woodruff I am turned out of Doors for my religion
what shall I do, I am all ready to go to Zion my wife
wont go with me shall I go & leave her. My
Husband beats me & turns me out of Doors because I
have been Baptized I have got money enough to
carry me & the children to Zion will you let me
go without hime, Br Woodruff one word with
you my Mother is over 80 years of age & has
willed me £60 pounds at her Death but will not
emigrate with me, now I want to go with the Saints
must I stay for her to die or may I go & leave her
Br Woodruff I have sold my little place shall have
£30 pounds tomorrow but must go out of the
house into the street, this will not quite carry
my family to America can you help me to a
few pounds or tell me what to do. An Elder
cries out how much longer must I preach In
England before you will let me go to America,
Br Woodruff cant you come & preach to us in
Cheltenham. wont you go home & take some tea with
me. My head is in great pain wont you heal me.
I want you to consecrate these bottles of Oil before
you go. Good by, Good by, Good by, God bless you
Br Woodruff the friends are waiting a long time
for you. Are you going I want a little council
from you. Br Woodruff may I go to America
with yoy. Say may we take an English Ship to
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 15, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 27, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5gK