March 29th I walked to Burslem spent the
Day at Br Johnson's. Br J. A. Smith & Myself
packed up some crockery or china ware that
was given us by the Saints. We met the officers
in council at the Hanly room & gave them
such advise as we thought wisdom had a good
time & took our farewell of them spent the
night at Br Johnsons 10 miles
30th We parted with the Saints in Burslem took
coach & rode to Manchester 40 miles called at
the shop or abode of Elder P. P. Pratt 47 Oxford
Street Manchester, he had moved his station
from 149 oldham Road to this place, I found
him enjoying good health also his family I
saw the times & seasons up to the 7th No was
much edifyed with its contents, we also receiv
ed many letters from Nauvoo one from Br Joseph
to the Twelve one from D. C. Smith to G A Smith
with one from Elder Clayton giving an account
of the journey of Elders TurleyBenbow &
company all of which was interesting. I spent
the night at Br Brewshaws 40 miles
April 1st I wrote a letter to New York for
a sister who was in poverty through sickness I [FIGURE] also wrot a letter to the Editor of the Star I had the happy privilege this day of striking
hands with the following persons of the quorum of
the Twelve Brigham YoungHeber C Kimball Orson HideParley P. PrattWilliard Richards
Willford Woodruff & G. A. Smith we had a happy
time together this is the first time I have seen
Elder Hide in England. He spoke of the situation
of things in New York & upon other subjects
~ Monday
March 29th I walked to Burslem spent the
Day at Br Johnson's. Br J. A. Smith & Myself
packed up some Crockery or China ware that
was given us by the Saints. We met the officers
in Council at the Hanly room & gave them
such advise as we thought wisdom had a good
time & took our farewell of them spent the
night at Br Johnsons 10 miles
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Elder D. C. Smith at Nauvoo
~ Tuesday
30th We parted with the Saints in Burslem took
coach & rode to Manchester 40 miles called at
the shop or abode of Elder P. P. Pratt 47 Oxford
Street Manchester, he had moved his station
from 149 oldham Road to this place, I found
him enjoying good health also his family I
saw the times & seasons up to the 7th No was
much edifyed with its contents, we also recei
ved many letters from Nauvoo one from Br Joseph
to the Twelve one from D.C. Smith to G A Smith
with one from Elder Clayton giving an account
of the journey of Elders TurleyBenbow &
company all of which was interesting. I spent
the night at Br Brewshaws 40 miles
~ Wednesday
31st I had the perusal of the three first Numbers
of the Gospel Reflector published By B. Winchester
Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints in Philadelphia Also the Journal of Elder
Heber C Kimball, lately published by R. B. Thompson in Nauvoo. I wrote a letter to Sister Morgan
FIGURES I received a letter from Mother Woodruff
~ Thursday
April 1st [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to New York for
a sister who was in poverty through sickness I
FIGURES also wrot a letter to the Editor of the
Star I had the happy privilege this day of striking
hands with the following persons of the quorum of
the Twelve Brigham YoungHeber C KimballOrson HydeParley P. PrattWilliard Richards
Willford Woodruff & G. A. Smith we had a happy
time together this is the first time I have seen
Elder Hide in England. He spoke of the situation
of things in New York & upon other subjects
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 29, 1841 - April 1, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,