Met according to adjournment President
opened meeting by Prayer After which 15
of those named for ordination were ordained
under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Smith
& Cordon, Moved & carried that the remaining
ordinations nominated be attended to by Elder
The President then brought up the case of a Br MumfordMoumford, who was holding the office
of a Priest, from whome fellowship had been
withdrawn by the council of official officers in
consequence of ^his^ practizing fortune Telling,
Magic, Black art &c & called upon Elders Woodruff
& Cordon to express their feelings upon the
sudbject when Elder Woodruff arose, & spoke
Briefly upon the subject, & informed the assemb-
ly that we had no such custom or practice in the
Church, & that we should not fellowship any
individual who Practiced Magic fortune Telling,
Black art &c for it was not of God, when
It was moved & carried by the whole Church
that fellowship be withdrawn from Br
Moved & carried that this conference grant
unto Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith a letter of
recommendation, manifesting that the Church
in this region, accept of their labours & considerd
that that they have filled their mission with
honour & Dignity
Moved & carried that this conference
adjourn for three Months
we had a vary interesting conference on
this occasion it being in the Majestrates assembly
Room which would hold about 800 which was
crouded but in perfect order much ^good^ feelings
was manifest during the Day & a prospect of
a continual increase in the Potteries. I dined with
Elder Taylor & spent the night with Br Box
Met according to adjournment President
opened meeting by Prayer after which 15
of those named for ordination were ordained
under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Smith
& Cordon, Moved & carried that the remaining
ordinations nominated be attended to by Elder
The President then brought up the case of a Br
Moumford, who was holding the office
of a Priest, from whome fellowship had been
withdrawn by the Council of officers in
consequence of his practizing fortune Telling,
Magic, black art &c & called upon Elders Woodruff
& Cordon to express their feelings upon the
subject when Elder Woodruff arose, & spoke
briefly upon the subject, & informed the assembly that we had no such custom or practice in the
Church, & that we should not fellowship any
individual who Practiced Magic fortune Telling,
Black art &c for it was not of God. when
It was moved & Carried by the whole church
that fellowship be withdrawn from Br
Moved & carried that this Conference grant
unto Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith a letter of
recommendation, manifesting that the Church
in this region, accept of their labours & considerd
that that they have filled their mission with
honour & Dignity
Moved & carried that this Conference
adjourn for three Months
G A Smith (President)
T J Fitcher
O Shaw (Clerks)
we had a vary interesting conference on
this occasion it being in the Majestrates assembly
Room which would hold about 800 which was
crouded but in Perfect order much good feelings
was manifest during the Day & a prospect of
a continual increase in the Potteries. I dined with
Elder Taylor & spent the night with Br Box
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 28, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,