continued at it untill 2 oclock got all goods &
things on board the steem boat Rapids
& Bills of Ba Fraiate made out got dinner went
to bed tired & sick enough. Left St
Louis at 6 oclock PM
~ Thursday
4th Traveld well through the day run on to
some sand Bars had to got a lighter & light of[f]
from one of them I contined to suffered much
with pain in the head & canker in the mouth
I killed the kcanker by chewing a piece of tobaco
~ Friday
5th Friday nose bled considerable in the morning
we sail well passed Marion City, do Quincy at 2 oclock arived at Keokirk in the
~ Saturday
6th I left the Boat took stage arived at Montrose in the midst of a Masonic possession
A lodge was institutioned in Montrose I had an
interview with Joseph then croossed to MNauvoo home again & was thoroughly pickled with the Billious fever but notwithstand[ing] my sickness
I could not stop to rest for on my return I
found the printing Office had stood still for
about 10 day for the want of paper & the
Boat was 5 days getting over the rapids during
which time I went down the BRiver with
a skiff 6 miles to the Boat & got what paper
we needed for the present use. we were
untill midnight rowing over the rapids
back again & in addition to my fever I
had a sever cough. ^distance to St Louis & Back 400 miles^
~ Wednesday
As soon as the Boat
arived at Nauvoo & landed our freight &
I saw it distributed to its several places
whare it Belonged I went home & retired to
my bed & passed through the severest
fit of sickness I ever experience in life I had a
thorough course of the Billious fever I was
Brought exceding low & for several days I strugled
between life & death I felt some of the time
like gathering up my feet & sleeping with my fathers
continued at it untill 2 oclock got all goods &
things on board the steem boat Rapids
& Bills of Fraite made out got dinner went
to bed tired & sick enough. Left St
Louis at 6 oclock PM
~ Thursday
4th Traveld well through the day run on to
some sand bars had to get a lighter & light off
from one of them I contined to suffered much
with pain in the head & canker in the mouth
I killed the canker by chewing a piece of tobaco
~ Friday
5th Friday nose bled considerable in the morning
we sail well passed Marion City, do
Quincy at 2 oclock arived at Keokirk in the
~ Saturday
6th I left the boat took stage arived at
Montrose in the midst of a Masonic possession
A lodge was instituted in Montrose I had an
interview with Joseph then crossed to Nauvoo
home again & was thoroughly pickled with the
Billious fever but notwithstanding my sickness
I could not stop to rest for on my return I
found the printing Office had stood still for
about 10 day for the want of paper & the
boat was 5 days getting over the rapids during
which time I went down the River with
a skiff 6 miles to the boat & got what paper
we needed for the present use, we were
untill midnight rowing over the rapids
back again & in addition to my fever I
had a sever cough. distance to St Louis & Back 400 mils
~ Wednesday
10th As soon as the boat
arived at Nauvoo & landed our freight &
I saw it distributed to its several places
whare it belonged I went home & retired to
my bed & passed through the severest
fit of sickness I ever experience in life I had a
thorough course of the Billious fever I was
brought exceding low & for several days I strugled
between life & death I felt some of the time
like gathering up my feet & sleeping with my fathers
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," August 3, 1842 - August 10, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,