Aug 1st An exceding cold day & night & morning
as for myself I am in almost evry kind of trouble
A severe cold has settelled throughout my body
I have the Rheumatism, teeth ake, head ake, bones ake,
have got the musketoe fever, Bilious fever, & sick
stomack, & am fearful that if we run on to many
more sand bars & am many more weeks getting
to St Louis & if the Musketoes do not favor me
more than they have done, that it will be a question
whether I ever reach home or not but I hope for the
best. H [blank] we have run smash into another
sand bank we have not gone more than 3 miles
since we left the other that we was on the whole
day this is election day in IllinoisNauvoo &c.
I wish I was there but here I am fast on a sand bar &
like to be we are both out of provisions & wood I think
sumthing will be done for the hands have gon on to the
Island cutting wood, got a lighter & took of[f] some
of the led we then got off the bar & soon got
on another soon got of[f] & sailed 3 miles up the river
& down again in another channel, then tied up
to a wood pile & spent the night
~ Tuesday
2nd Start well in the morning, the Musketoes
have spotted up my face in a dredful manner
after running aground twice we passed Alton
& the mouth of the Missouri River & arived in St Louis at 12 oclock AM we stoped at the
American House. After Dining one of my
busy scenes commenced notwithstand[ing] my ill
state of health with the fever raging upon me
I had much to do & but 24 hours to accomplish
it in I bought my stock of paper & other
articles & walked till 10 oclock at night was
tired out returned to the tavern & went to bed
sick with severe pain in the head I did not
get sleep untill 2 oclock
~ Wednesday
3rd Was awoke in the morning by bleeding at
the nose bled 1 pint felt vary weak much paine
in the head not seen a well day since I left home. Commenced business before breakfast
day & night but lighted the boat during the time
~ Monday
Aug 1st An exceding cold day & night & morning
as for myself I am in almost evry kind of trouble
A severe cold has settelled throughout my body
I have the Rheumatism, teeth ake, head ake, bones ake,
have got the musketoe fever, Bilious fever, & sick
stomack, & am fearful that if we run on to many
more sand bars & am many more weeks getting
to St Louis & if the Musketoes do not favor me
more than they have done, that it will be a question
whether I ever reach home or not but I hope for the
best, H [blank] we have run smash into another
sand bank we have not gone more than 3 miles
since we left the other that we was on the whole
day this is election day in IllinoisNauvoo &c.
I wish I was there but here I am fast on a sand bar &
like to be we are both out of provisions & wood I think
sumthing will be done for the hands have gon on to the
Island cutting wood, got a lighter & took off some
of the led we then got off the bar & soon got
on another soon got off & sailed 3 miles up the river
& down again in another channel, then tied up
to a wood pile & spent the night
~ Tuesday
2nd Start well in the morning, the Musketoes
have spotted up my face in a dredful manner
after running aground twice we pased Alton
& the mouth of the Missouri River & arived in
St Louis at 12 oclock AM we stoped at the
American House. After Dining one of my
busy scenes commenced notwithstanding my ill
state of health with the fever raging upon me
I had much to do & but 24 hours to accomplish
it in I bought my stock of paper & other
articles & walked till 10 oclock at night was
tired out returned to the tavern & went to bed
sick with severe pain in the head I did not
get sleep untill 2 oclock
~ Wednesday
3rd Was awoke in the morning by bleeding at
the nose bled 1 pint felt vary weak much paine
in the head not seen a well day since I left
home, commenced business before breakfast
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," July 31, 1842 - August 3, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,