June 18th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Saterday The Citizens of Nauvoo
Both Male & faemale assembled near the Temple for a general meeting many
thousands were assembled Joseph the
Seer arose & spoke upon several subjects
Among other subjects he spoke his mind ^rebuking^
in great plainness concerning the iniquity
& wickedness ^& corruption^ of Gen John Cook Bennet, & exposed him before the public. He also
prophesied in the Name of the Lord concern-
ing the merchants in the city that if they with ^and^ the rich did not open their hearts
& contribute to the poor that they would be
cursed by the hand of God & be cut off
from the land of the living. The main
part of the day was taken up upon the
business of the agricultural & manufactur-
ing society ie we have a charter granted
us by the Legislator of the state for that
purpose & the time has come for us to make
use of that charter it is divided into stock
of $50 dollars each share. any person owning one
share became a member of the society a stock-
holder, each share is entitled to one vote this
is esstablished with a view of helping the poor
arangments were entered into to commence
operations immediately ^under the charter granted by the
Also Joseph comm-
manded the Twelve to organize the Church more
according to the Law of Godthatis to requi-
re of those that come in to be setteled according
to their council & also to appoint a com-
mittee to wait upon all who arive & make
them welcome & council them what to do B Young, H. C. KimballG. A. Smith & Hyrum Smith
was the committee appointed to wait upon emig-
rants & settle them
~ Sunday
19thISunday I attended meeting in the fore
part of the day herd a discourse deliverd by
Elder James in the afternoon I Joined
~ Saturday
June 18th Saterday The Citizens of Nauvoo
both Male & female assembled near the
Temple for a general meeting many
thousands were assembled Joseph the
seer arose & spoke upon several subjects
Among other subjects he spoke his mind
in great plainness concerning the iniquity
& wickedness of Gen John Cook Bennet,
& exposed him before the public. He also
prophesied in the Name of the Lord concerning the merchants in the City that if they
with the rich did not open their hearts
& contribute to the poor that they would be
cursed by the hand of God & be cut off
from the land of the living. The main
part of the day was taken up upon the
business of the agricultural & manufacturing society ie we have a charter granted
us by the Legislator of the state for that
purpose & the time has come for us to make
use of that charter it is divided into stock
of $50 dollars each share, any person owning one
share became a member of the society a stockholder, each share is entitled to one vote this
is esstablished with a view of helping the poor
arangments were entered into to commence
operations immediately under the charter granted by the Legislature
Also Joseph commanded the Twelve to organize the Church more
according to the Law of God that is to require of those that come in to be setteled according
to their council & also to appoint a committee to wait upon all who arive & make
them welcome & council them what to do
B Young, H. C. KimballG. A. Smith & Hyrum Smith
was the committee appointed to wait upon emigrants & settle them
~ Sunday
19th Sunday I attended meeting in the fore
part of the day herd a discourse deliverd by
Elder James in the afternoon I Joined
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," June 18, 1842 - June 19, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mnG