Phebe was Baptized for & in Behalf of her
Grand Father Ezra Carter, & Grand Mother Phebe W. Carter, on the 21st of April
the same day that I was Baptized for my Mother & two Brothers
June 12nd I carried all of my family out to John
Benbows for them to spend a few days with them
& during the night I was taken vary sick
~ Friday
23rd I returned to Nauvoo went to court
Marshall but being sick went home was
confined to my bed through the day
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I spent part of the day at home
writing in the evening I went to the font &
[FIGURE] Baptized Elder G. A. Smith for the restoration
of his health I also Baptized my wife, Phebe
W Woodruff for three of her dead kindred viz
her Grand Father Joshua Fabyan & Grand Mother
Sarah Fabyan & Great Uncle John Fabyan
Phebe was baptized for & in behalf of her
Grand Father Ezra Carter, & Grand Mother
Phebe W. Carter, on the 21st of April
the same day that I was baptized for my
Mother & two Brothers
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," May 29, 1842 - June 3, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,