will have wisdom given unto
them. They will have light
and truth given unto them,
and the spirit of their forefathers will
be manifest unto them. I am
thankful that I am able to see
these Lamanites here. The saw what would come to pass,
and he told the truth. As Elders of
Israel we have fulfilled, in a measure,
many of the Prophet's sayings in rela-
tion to these things. We have traveled
to the nations of the earth, as he said
we should do, and this Gospel has
gone to a great many nations. More
doors will be opened in the due time of
the Lord. When these judgments of
God are manifest in the earth, the
honest in heart and meek of the earth
will have their eyes opened and they
will be very glad to flee to Zion. I look
back to the days when we first went
to to preach the Gospel,
and when there were Saints in almost
every city there. And when we went
to in 1840 we baptized over
seven thousand in one year. So it has
been more or less through the world.
There have been people prepared to
receive this Gospel and to work for the
Lord. And we are only in the begin-
ning of this work, as it were. The day
will come when many will seek a place
of safety, that they may stand in holy
places while the judgments of the Lord
pass. Our young men will rise up in
those days. They will remember their
prayers before the Lord. Their minds
will be opened to see the work that lies
before them. A great deal has yet to
be done, although the Lord will make
short His work in the earth, lest no
flesh be saved. I am thankful that
there is as much done as there is;
thankful that we have had the privi-
lege of opening our mouths among the
nations of the earth and the islands of
the sea, and preaching the Gospel.
What greater work can any man be
engaged in than the saving of the
souls of men? No matter how poor
we may be, it is a glorious work and a
blessing to any man. When I look
upon the Apostles and the Elders and
bring to my mind the labors they have
performed, the miles they have trav-
eled, the souls of men they have
brought into the Gospel, I feel that it is
a work worthy of all acceptation of
angels or men.
I pray the Lord that we may have
power to convert these Lamanites to
the Gospel of Christ. It is true it has
been a hard work up to the present to
get their minds open to comprehend
these things, though many of them
have been baptized; yet a great work
is to be done among them. Our
brethren should remember this, and
treat them kindly. Let us do what we
can to make them happy and comfort-
able while we are with them. It is
our duty to do what we can for their
benefit, and to give them the Gospel.
God bless you and guide you in the
ways of life. Amen.
will have wisdom given unto
them. They will have light
and truth given unto them,
and the spirit of their forefathers will
be manifest unto them. I am
thankful that I am able to see
these Lamanites here. The saw what would come to pass,
and he told the truth. As Elders of
Israel we have fulfilled, in a measure,
many of the Prophet's sayings in relation to these things. We have traveled
to the nations of the earth, as he said
we should do, and this Gospel has
gone to a great many nations. More
doors will be opened in the due time of
the Lord. When these judgments of
God are manifest in the earth, the
honest in heart and meek of the earth
will have their eyes opened and they
will be very glad to flee to Zion. I look
back to the days when we first went
to to preach the Gospel,
and when there were Saints in almost
every city there. And when we went
to in 1840 we baptized over
seven thousand in one year. So it has been
more or less through the world.
There have been people prepared to
receive this Gospel and to work for the
Lord. And we are only in the beginning of this work, as it were. The day
will come when many will seek a place
of safety, that they may stand in holy
places while the judgments of the Lord
pass. Our young men will rise up in
those days. They will remember their
prayers before the Lord. Their minds
will be opened to see the work that lies
before them. A great deal has yet to
be done, although the Lord will make
short His work in the earth, lest no
flesh be saved. I am thankful that
there is as much done as there is;
thankful that we have had the privilege of opening our mouths among the
nations of the earth and the islands of
the sea, and preaching the Gospel.
What greater work can any man be
engaged in than the saving of the
souls of men? No matter how poor
we may be, it is a glorious work and a
blessing to any man. When I look
upon the Apostles and the Elders and
bring to my mind the labors they have
performed, the miles they have traveled, the souls of men they have
brought into the Gospel, I feel that it is
a work worthy of all acceptation of
angels or men.
I pray the Lord that we may have
power to convert these Lamanites to
the Gospel of Christ. It is true it has
been a hard work up to the present to
get their minds open to comprehend
these things, though many of them
have been baptized; yet a great work
is to be done among them. Our
brethren should remember this, and
treat them kindly. Let us do what we
can to make them happy and comfortable while we are with them. It is
our duty to do what we can for their
benefit, and to give them the Gospel.
God bless you and guide you in the
ways of life. Amen.