When in the course of human
events has there ever been a more
important period than at the present
day and age of the world. It is at
once beneficial and instructive
to the reflecting mind to review
the past with candour and rightly
consider the present and be in
perfect readiness for that which is to
to come. Whare is the son or dau
ghter of Adam who hath a standing
in this day and generation that is
walking in the light and truth
as it is in Jesus Christ that can
survey this gentile nation with ins
ensibility or realize their situation
without feelings of the deepest emotion.
Who of us that hath been upheld and
supported from our infantile momen[ts]
to manhood and carried through many
dangers seen and unseen both temp-
oral and spiritual and been receieved
into the new and everlasting covenant
which God hath made in these last days
The first Book of Willford
When in the course of human
events has there ever been a more
important period than at the present
day and age of the world. It is at
once beneficial and instructive
to the reflecting mind to review
the past with candour and rightly
consider the present and be in
perfect readiness for that which is to
come. Whare is the Son or dau
ghter of Adam who hath a standing
in this day and generation that is
walking in the light and truth
as it is in Jesus Christ that can
survey this gentile nation with ins
ensibility or realize their situation
without feelings of the deepest emotion.
Who of us that hath been upheld and
supported from our infantile moments
to manhood and carried through many
dangers seen and unseen both temp
oral and spiritual and been receieved
into the new and everlasting Covenant
which God hath made in these last days
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," December 20, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/MJQ