had no more conversation with till about One Oclock. we were
Sitting togather on the Bed. I said, I wish you would tell me how this
fuss is going to come out as you have at other Times before hand. he replied
Bro Markham the Lord placed me to govern his Kingdom on the Earth
but the people has Taken away from me the rains [reigns] of Government by
the Commit^t^ee Making the statements they did concerning me Leaving the
flock I gave way to them, & the whisperings of the spirit Left me &
I am now nomore then a common Man, & I can do nothing for myself
exept the[y] place me back to my former position, & if the[y] dont do it I am
gone. about this Time Doctor was taken sick, then Bro Joseth [Joseph]
said to me Bro Markham as you have a pass to go out & in you will
need to go out & get the Doctor a Pipe & Tobacco to settle his stumack
I went out & got a Pipe from Sherif Backinstoss & Bought some Tobacco in
a store Close by & was returning. was in the store & Threw out
Considerable Threats against the Mormons & in Perticular against me. when
Proceeding to the I was asailed by a man by the Name of Stewart he
Called to me. Old man you have got to Leave the Town in 5 Minutes I
replied I shall not do it neither can you drive me you Can kill me but
you cannot drive me. then he Turned and charged upon me with his Baynot & I
Paried it of[f] with my Lift [Left] hand & Nocked him down with my right he
Hollowed & all the Carthage grays ralied round me with their Guns & Baynots
& Told me I had got to Leave the Town forth with or I would be a dead
man in a short time they making passes at me with their Baynots I
Paried them of[f] with my Left and Nocked them down to the amount of 10 or 12
with my right, then the[y] got so close that I had no chance. Eagle in the
gang urge^i^ng them on. Hamilton the Inn Keeper came out & said I had
better go home as I would only get Killed if I remained. he said you
can do the no good & I will bring you your Horse I told him I
was not going home. & not to bring him. he Cried & Brought my Horse
up & they forced me on him with the points of their Baynots Ontill the
Blood filled my shoes. they then formed a hollow square round me
& Marched me to the Timber. from there I rode to &
desired him to go & tell Joseph the reason I did not return. when Near
Bro I heard the report I heard the report of a Large amount of
I had no more conversation with till about One Oclock. we were
Sitting togather on the Bed. I said, I wish you would tell me how this
fuss is going to come out as you have at other Times before hand. he replied
Bro Markham the Lord placed me to govern his Kingdom on the Earth
but the people has Taken away from me the reigns of Government by
the Committee Making the statements they did concerning me Leaving the
flock I gave way to them, & the whisperings of the spirit Left me &
I am now nomore then a common Man, & I can do nothing for myself
exept they place me back to my former position, & if they dont do it I am
gone. about this Time Doctor was taken sick, then Bro Joseph
said to me Bro Markham as you have a pass to go out & in you will
need to go out & get the Doctor a Pipe & Tobacco to settle his stumack
I went out & got a Pipe from Sherif Backinstoss & Bought some Tobacco in
a store Close by & was returning. was in the store & Threw out
Considerable Threats against the Mormons & in Perticular against me. when
Proceeding to the Jail I was asailed by a man by the Name of Stewart he
Called to me. Old man you have got to Leave the Town in 5 Minutes I
replied I shall not do it neither can you drive me you Can kill me but
you cannot drive me. then he Turned and charged upon me with his Baynot & I
Paried it off with my Left hand & Nocked him down with my right he
Hollowed & all the Carthage grays ralied round me with their Guns & Baynots
& Told me I had got to Leave the Town forth with or I would be a dead
man in a short time they making passes at me with their Baynots I
Paried them off with my Left and Nocked them down to the amount of 10 or 12
with my right, then they got so close that I had no chance. Eagle in the
gang urging them on. Hamilton the Inn Keeper came out & said I had
better go home as I would only get Killed if I remained. he said you
can do the prisnors no good & I will bring you your Horse I told him I
was not going home. & not to bring him. he Cried & Brought my Horse
up & they forced me on him with the points of their Baynots Ontill the
Blood filled my shoes. they then formed a hollow square round me
& Marched me to the Timber. from there I rode to &
desired him to go & tell Joseph the reason I did not return. when Near
Bro Fellows I heard the report I heard the report of a Large amount of