Your letter of the 10th inst.
is at hand and contents noted.
It was quite a surprise to me
to be called to go on a mission,
as I feel that I am not very
well qualified for such a
labor. but as I have no
reasonable excuse to offer
for not going, I will by the
help of the Lord ^to^ go and
do the best I can, and
will try and be ready
to start by the time warned
in your letter Apr. 15th.
Grantsville Jan 17 1893
President Wilford Woodruff
Dear Brother,
Your letter of the 10th inst.
is at hand and contents noted.
It was quite a surprist to me
to be called to go on a mission,
as I feel that I am not very
well qualified for such a
labor. but as I have no
reasonable excuse to offer
for not going, I will by the
help of the Lord to go and
do the best I can, and
will try and be ready
to Start by the time warned
in your letter Apr. 15th.
Yours very Respectfully
Otto Johnson
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