better ropes (doctrine false) to hang the boys he has been playing with who claim
to defend as a Prophet. They tell us that Joseph Smith did in [18]43
anoint and ordain his son, and publicly on the stand in , said: "I
am no longer your Prophet, but this, my son, is your Prophet."
When this same Joseph had told the church years before, that all the part
he would be able to take in planting another man in his stead would be to ap-
point, and that he would not do until he was taken. Gentlemen of No.
17, will you tell us what to call you? Speak out, and tell us what to call you.
We want to call men and things by their right name. One thing is
sure, Joseph either lied or else you have in that No. 17. Them Books
and writings that Joseph left us, don't lie. Nor do we have to hunt from to , to find witnesses to prove what they teach. The writings of
, , , , and the prophets, stood true and inde-
pendent of even the words of Christ and his Apostles.
So with the work of Joseph, what he told the world was true, independent
of the testimony of thousands. Yet false witnesses came against Moses, Christ,
and all the servants of God; we have page after page of their lies against the
truth. So with Joseph and , we have their merit and on it we stand, and
the usurpers may compile and send out their tracts with the testimony of apos-
tates and dead Psuedoes who, when alive, told and published lies against Joseph
But the words of the Prophets Joseph and James, stand to us as the north star
to the Mariners on the ocean, at the midnight hour.
It looks bad to see a certain school of Saints throwing stones at , when
they are telling lies daily. It reminds us of the old tricks of , as found
in Hosea, xii-1; he lied daily in them days. Let the tales of modern Ephraim
speak for thsmelves. One thing is certain, if Clark-Braden knew how to
handle Joseph Smith and his works, he could find plenty of ropes (lies) in sight
of these men he has been debating with, to hang them, but not a string as large
as a fine thread to hurt Joseph or James. Joseph said in 1831 he would only
have power to appoint a successor; he also said the successor would not be ap-
pointed until Joseph was taken. This was all right, and came to pass just as
Joseph said thirteen years before--it was fulfilled in 1844. But here comes up a
school of fellows and tell us that Joseph did anoint and ordain his son in 1843,
and constituted him the President of the Church. Clark-Braden can't hurt
Joseph nor his successor on the policy of these wise Mormon Legislators, who
try to make Joseph a man-made and man-sent prophet. But if he can't take
Joseph's words and make them false teachers like himself, then he is small
potatoes and few in a hill, (to use a figure).
In conclusion, we say that we have proved that Mr. Smith pointed out the
policy that would be taken at his death, in planting a man in his stead. Mr.
Strang was the only man that ever presented legal claims to that office. We
might call up the names of scores that came out at that time and gave their
testimony to the world that James was the man. We might call over the names
of men and women, but we have our case without. If men will not accept of
what we have taken from the Books, they can go where all unbelievers go.
But there is one question that I am often asked: Who stands at the head of
the work of God, now? I answer, the man that holds the highest Priesthood!
It is the work of God, and He builds or pulls down when and whom he will.
Joseph Smith could not ordain a man to fill his place, but he could ordain a
man to fill any other office in the church. It took Angels to ordain him, and it
[sideways text] Yes as God cast out all the Hebrews, but Joshua & Calib
by then. So by his Prophet he cast Brigham & those that
followed him. See the Revelations to the church. [end of sideways text]
better ropes (doctrine false) to hang the boys he has been playing with who claim
to defend as a Prophet. They tell us that Joseph Smith did in 1843
anoint and ordain his son, and publicly on the stand in , said: "I
am no longer your Prophet, but this, my son, is your Prophet."
When this same Joseph had told the church years before, that all the part
he would be able to take in planting another man in his stead would be to appoint, and that he would not do until he was taken. Gentlemen of No.
17, will you tell us what to call you? Speak out, and tell us what to call you.
We want to call men and things by their right name. One thing is
sure, Joseph either lied or else you have in that No. 17. Them Books
and writings that Joseph left us, don't lie. Nor do we have to hunt from to , to find witnesses to prove what they teach. The writings of
, , , , and the prophets, stood true and independent of even the words of Christ and his Apostles.
So with the work of Joseph, what he told the world was true, independent
of the testimony of thousands. Yet false witnesses came against Moses, Christ,
and all the servants of God; we have page after page of their lies against the
truth. So with Joseph and , we have their merit and on it we stand, and
the usurpers may compile and send out their tracts with the testimony of apostates and dead Psuedoes who, when alive, told and published lies against Joseph
But the words of the Prophets Joseph and James, stand to us as the north star
to the Mariners on the ocean, at the midnight hour.
It looks bad to see a certain school of Saints throwing stones at , when
they are telling lies daily. It reminds us of the old tricks of , as found
in , xii-1; he lied daily in them days. Let the tales of modern Ephraim
speak for thsmelves. One thing is certain, if Clark-Braden knew how to
handle Joseph Smith and his works, he could find plenty of ropes (lies) in sight
of these men he has been debating with, to hang them, but not a string as large
as a fine thread to hurt Joseph or James. Joseph said in 1831 he would only
have power to appoint a successor; he also said the successor would not be appointed until Joseph was taken. This was all right, and came to pass just as
Joseph said thirteen years before--it was fulfilled in 1844. But here comes up a
school of fellows and tell us that Joseph did anoint and ordain his son in 1843,
and constituted him the President of the Church. Clark-Braden can't hurt
Joseph nor his successor on the policy of these wise Mormon Legislators, who
try to make Joseph a man-made and man-sent prophet. But if he can't take
Joseph's words and make them false teachers like himself, then he is small
potatoes and few in a hill, (to use a figure).
In conclusion, we say that we have proved that Mr. Smith pointed out the
policy that would be taken at his death, in planting a man in his stead. Mr.
Strang was the only man that ever presented legal claims to that office. We
might call up the names of scores that came out at that time and gave their
testimony to the world that James was the man. We might call over the names
of men and women, but we have our case without. If men will not accept of
what we have taken from the Books, they can go where all unbelievers go.
But there is one question that I am often asked: Who stands at the head of
the work of God, now? I answer, the man that holds the highest Priesthood!
It is the work of God, and He builds or pulls down when and whom he will.
Joseph Smith could not ordain a man to fill his place, but he could ordain a
man to fill any other office in the church. It took Angels to ordain him, and it
sideways text Yes as God cast out all the Hebrews, but Joshua & Calib
by then. So by his Prophet he cast Brigham & those that
followed him. See the Revelations to the church. end of sideways text