and , (Angels). By this we learn that the successor was to be or-
dained as the predecessor was ordained, no less no more. This compels us to hold that the successor was to be ordained by Angels. The Book (D. & C.)
brings us to these and no other conclusions. Thus we have fulfilled our prom-
ise, by simply telling the public what the Book says on the appointment and
ordination of the successor to .
After setting forth the law on appointing and ordaining the successor, we
will add our own testimony: First, Joseph Smith was duly called and legally
ordained even by Angels, and stood to the nations of the earth as did .
He filled his mission like a brave man. He translated from the records the
Book of Mormon, which contains the history of the Indians, and many other
important facts concerning the nations of this day. He need not suffered as he
did, yet he chose it rather than the honors of this short life. He was aware of
the fate that should befall him, but he stood up to do the work given him to do.
He died as a servant of God and the Christ Jesus Christ and has his reward.
At the death of Joseph, Mr. claimed he had been ordained
in the same way that Joseph was (by Angels) and had been legally constituted
the President of the Church. He published his claims, sent them abroad, and
published to the world he was ready and willing to meet, and discuss his claims
with any that were willing to compare their views with his. He clearly proved
his authority to all that took pains to criticise them. He was identified by the
public in and around the country where he lived and died, as the legal succes-
sor of Joseph Smith. He translated from the recoreds that was taken from
Laban the Book of the Law of the Lord, a work that Lehi had in view when he said
that Joseph should write. See 2nd Book of Nephi, 2nd Chapter. This Book of
the Law of the Lord, is often spoken of in the Bible, and has been called one
of the lost Books.
James, like Joseph, had bitter persecutions, yet he bravely stood for the
truth and right. He had presented views of his martyrdom, and called his
friends aside and gave them hints of coming trouble. He, like Joseph, might
of avoided it by leaving the church and seeking his own ease in the world.
But he chose to stand to his duty as the leader of God's people, and meet his
fate. We need not speak of his noble life, for it is read and known by the hon-
orable men that meet him in the legislative halls of his state.
It is true, many of the usurpers lied, and to cover their false claims they
misrepresented him and his teachings. But they stand on the page of history,
and will be read and known as long as sun and moon endure--while the usurp-
ers will fall with their lies. Men will yet rise up and honor the names of Joseph
and James as the chosen of God. ^Son^
We would like to end our testimony here and say, Peace to all Men; but we
want to warn all honest men, that they be not led by usurpers and false
teachers. It is a fact well known in all the factions of the Mormon schools, that
and reform that started in and terminated in the
Re-organization, have from the first, accused the others of holding bad faith.
And to this day have accused the people of holding to lies, and teaching
false doctrine. By the land laws, they had a right to hold up to public gaze
what they held to, so long as their views were not opposed by the Government.
But let us take a look into the eyes of this re-organized child and see if we
don't find sand: This child of Gurley & Briggs has given the Martyr the lie,
and if knew how to handle the truth and lies, he would need no
[sideways text] I only teach the Revelations, of God, to his duly sent
prophets. You can get them & learn what I say
It makes odds, if you build your nests in [end of sideways text]
and , (Angels). By this we learn that the successor was to be ordained as the predecessor was ordained, no less no more. This compels us to hold that the successor was to be ordained by Angels. The Book (D. & C.)
brings us to these and no other conclusions. Thus we have fulfilled our promise, by simply telling the public what the Book says on the appointment and
ordination of the successor to .
After setting forth the law on appointing and ordaining the successor, we
will add our own testimony: First, Joseph Smith was duly called and legally
ordained even by Angels, and stood to the nations of the earth as did .
He filled his mission like a brave man. He translated from the records the
Book of Mormon, which contains the history of the Indians, and many other
important facts concerning the nations of this day. He need not suffered as he
did, yet he chose it rather than the honors of this short life. He was aware of
the fate that should befall him, but he stood up to do the work given him to do.
He died as a servant of God and Jesus Christ and has his reward.
At the death of Joseph, Mr. claimed he had been ordained
in the same way that Joseph was (by Angels) and had been legally constituted
the President of the Church. He published his claims, sent them abroad, and
published to the world he was ready and willing to meet, and discuss his claims
with any that were willing to compare their views with his. He clearly proved
his authority to all that took pains to criticise them. He was identified by the
public in and around the country where he lived and died, as the legal successor of Joseph Smith. He translated from the recoreds that was taken from
Laban the Book of the Law of the Lord, a work that Lehi had in view when he said
that Joseph should write. See 2nd Book of Nephi, 2nd Chapter. This Book of
the Law of the Lord, is often spoken of in the Bible, and has been called one
of the lost Books.
James, like Joseph, had bitter persecutions, yet he bravely stood for the
truth and right. He had presented views of his martyrdom, and called his
friends aside and gave them hints of coming trouble. He, like Joseph, might
of avoided it by leaving the church and seeking his own ease in the world.
But he chose to stand to his duty as the leader of God's people, and meet his
fate. We need not speak of his noble life, for it is read and known by the honorable men that met him in the legislative halls of his state.
It is true, many of the usurpers lied, and to cover their false claims they
misrepresented him and his teachings. But they stand on the page of history,
and will be read and known as long as sun and moon endure--while the usurpers will fall with their lies. Men will yet rise up and honor the names of Joseph
and James as the chosen of. Son
We would like to end our testimony here and say, Peace to all Men; but we
want to warn all honest men, that they be not led by usurpers and false
teachers. It is a fact well known in all the factions of the Mormon schools, that
and reform that started in and terminated in the
Re-organization, have from the first, accused the others of holding bad faith.
And to this day have accused the people of holding to lies, and teaching
false doctrine. By the land laws, they had a right to hold up to public gaze
what they held to, so long as their views were not opposed by the Government.
But let us take a look into the eyes of this re-organized child and see if we
don't find sand: This child of Gurley & Briggs has given the Martyr the lie,
and if knew how to handle the truth and lies, he would need no
sideways text I only teach the Revelations, of God, to his duly sent
prophets. You can get them & learn what I say
It makes odds, if you build your nests in end of sideways text