acording to the visions of
as revealed to ,
that out of the dust of the earth
God formed ,
testified to the same. [Genesis 1:26-27] For this
I was ridiculed by the four
named Brethern, we discussed
the matter pro & con satisfaction
not being given however on
either side.
As I am not personaly known
to you I deem it advisable to give
you a cscetch of my life.
I embraced the Gospel in 53
suffered imprisenment hunger
& cold for the Gospel sake.
I have been theatened kicked
& mobbed many times. At one
time I was struck across the nose
breaking the asailents arm,
but I through the mercy of
I - - maintained
acording to the visions of
as revealed to .
that out of the dust of the earth
God formed ,
testified to the same. For this
I was ridiculed by the four
named Brethern, we discussed
the matter pro & con satisfaction
not being given however on
either side.
As I am not personaly known
to you I deem it advisable to give
you ascetch of my life.
I embraced the Gospel in 53
suffered imprisenment hunger
& cold for the Gospel sake.
I have been theatened kicked
& mobbed many times. At one
time I was struck across the nose
breaking the asailents arm,
but I through the mercy of