I have been on the sick List most of the year 1896
have not been able to Attend but few Meeting
or Conferences I have Recorded the following
I Attended 8 Conferences 8
I Attended 40 Meeting 40
I Preached 18 discourses 18
I Attended 2 Funerals 2
I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the 36 times
I wrote 74 Letters Received 89 Letters 74, 89
I Travelled 3899 Miles 3899
I Met with Z.C.M.I. Board 10 times 10
I Met with Zions savings Bank 9 9
I met with the Ogden Power Co 20. 20
Administered to the sick 6. 6
Paid Tithing $1,056.88
Paid Taxes