I Attended Conferences 10
I held Meetings 50
I Preached Discourses 33
I Attended Funerals 7
I Ordained 1 Patriarch 1 HP & 1 Elder
I met with Presidency & Twelve 35 times
I Administered to the sick 7
I wrote Letters 97, Received 78
I Paid Tithing in 1894 $800.00
I met with Z.C.M.I Board 40 times
I met with Zions savings Bank 45 times
I held a Birth Day Meeting in the March 1.
I signed 153 Teachers License 153
I Travelled in 1894 Miles 2626
Paid Tithing in 1894 $358.50
Paid Tithing 1894 $342.65
Paid Tithing 1894 $53.15
Wilford Woodruff sen Paid Tithing 800.00
Total Tithing $1504.30