Bro course with men
is not calculated to gain friendship;
but Pres. sent Lot Smith to
to establish and carry out
the United Order, and he has tried
to do it, and I feel to sustain him
in the matter in all that is right.
will seee by the press that light-
ning has struck us, and the
marshall has taken possession of
our , ,
, , and
we are all turned out of the , and do business where we can,
but we are alive, grow too fat, & feel well,
and proves that gGod reigns. I feel well in
spirit but have suffered with a cold on my
lungs, for a month, but am better now.
I have no clerk with me today, so you must
do the best you can to translate my scribbling
I pray God to bless you all
I remain Your Brother
W Woodruff.
Bro course with men
is not calculated to gain friendship;
but Pres. sent Lot Smith to
to establish and carry out
the United Order, and he has tried
to do it, and I feel to sustain him
in the matter in all that is right.
will seee by the press that lightning has struck us, and the
marshall has taken possession of
our , ,
, , and
we are all turned out of the , and do business where we can,
but we are alive, grow too fat, & feel well,
and proves thatGod reigns. I feel well in
spirit but have suffered with a cold on my
lungs, for a month, but am better now.
I have no clerk with me today, so you must
do the best you can to translate my scribbling
I pray God to bless you all
I remain Your Brother
W Woodruff.