Dear Brother, I received your
letter of Nov. 18 [18]87. I also received one
about the same time from Bro. Nielson
In reply to all these matters, I will
say, I would like a settlement made
with Lot Smith, upon some terms, and
have it stay settled. I realize as well
as any man can, about the temperament
of Lot Smith. I wrote him what
perhaps he would call a very severe
letter. I have not heard from him
since. I know he is abusive at times
to his wives children and friends
But as he seems to have but few
friends, I have befriended him from
principle, for I know there has been
great prejudice against him from persons
in high places. All I want is justice
done, but I am anxious to have this
matter settled for good and get
through with it.
Dear Brother, I received your
letter of Nov. 1887. I also received one
about the same time from Bro. Nielson
In reply to all these matters, I will
say, I would like a settlement made
with Lot Smith, upon some terms, and
have it stay settled. I realize as well
as any man can, about the temperament
of Lot Smith. I wrote him what
perhaps he would call a very severe
letter. I have not heard from him
since. I know he is abusive at times
to his wives children and friends
But as he seems to have but few
friends, I have befriended him from
principle, for I know there has been
great prejudice against him from persons
in high places. All I want is justice
done, but I am anxious to have this
matter settled for good and get
through with it.
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