75 Earl Eldon Taken in 1833
76 Joseph Holme ESQ taken from life in 1836
77 Daniel O Connel Esqr
78 Lord Brougham
79 Sir Francis Burdett
80 Earls of Leicester
81 Earl Spencer
82 Lord Durham taken from life
83 Lord Byron taken from A bust
84 Sir Wm Scott taken from life in
Edinborgoh in 1828 by Madame Tassaud
[FIGURE] 85 George Washington dressed as the
President of America taken from
a bust executed from Life this personage bespoke as much dignity as any
member of the Group
86 William Cobbett in the stile of Dress
usually worn by him
87 Richard Cobden Esqr
Louis the Sixteenth his queen And the children
88 Louis the Sixteenth of France
costume of the Saint Espirit.
89 Maria Antionette Queen of Louis XVI
90 The Dauphin in the dress usuall worn at the period
91 The Duchess Dangouleme
92 Voltaire Ancient costume taken from
life two months before his death
93 A coquett in the dress usually worn
by ladies at the period
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," June 24, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/JKK