and looks instead of a blow with the fist or a kick &c
~ Monday
14th we found about one foot of snow on the ground this
morning the Eastern mail came in this morning I spent
an hour in the Presidents office looking over the mail but
we did not find much News I received one paper & a letter
from Elder Lorenzo Snow, and a letter to his sister E. R. Snow
which I delivered to her and had some conversation with her
concerning her Brother Lorenzo. I wrote to Brother Snow
an answer to his Letter I spent the evening in the officeG. A. S
was present & herd the Book Entitled Joseph Smith the prophet red
and found many errors in it
I had a conversation with D Huntington upon the subj[ec]t of a conversation with Arrowpene & Ben Simons as
follows. Arrowpene had Been to camp Floyd for several
days He came to Dimick Huntington & spent the night also
Ben Simons they lay and whispered to gether all night and
Brother Huntington[t] said he was full of Hell Arrowpene was
sullen and he said in the morning the mormons was the cause
of the death of Pintets. Huntington asked who told him so he
was silent a while then said Nobody. H. yes sombody told
you so was it the Black bearded man. He said yes then Ben
Simons said that Dr Hurt had said that the Mormons had
teased the Govornor to send the soldiers to chastize them
the Indians & this was the cause why they shot Pintets
Ben Simons said some body had got to die for shooting
at him last winter in the mountains he did not say
who it would be their is no dout but what Dr Hurt has
tried all the time to stir up the Indians to war against
the morning Arrowpene said that He could not tell what He
should do untill the snow should go off.
~ Tuesday
15 I spent the day on History and the evening at home in
the evening. Elder H C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called during
the evening. G. A. Smith made out an account of the
Early History of the Smith Family for Brother Kimball
~ Wednesday
16th I spent the day in the office on History I wrote
a letter to John Bennion about sheep I met at the
8th school house at a water meeting we Elected Br Nobles as the first watermaster over the Canida ditch
Brother Sanders over another ditch Wm Smoot over anoth[er]
dit[c]h & Brother Turnbow watermaster over the Wilen
~ Thursday
17th I spent the day on the History in the evening Brother Fox arived from Rush valley some of the soldiers have
been killing some cattle of the brethren & insulting the
~ Friday
18th. it comm[enc]ed snowing about 8 oclok from the North
with strong wind the air was filled with snow
I spent the day on History President Young called upon us
a few minutes and left with G. A. Smith I spent the evening
at Home & red a Book entitled Revolution in Russia
Feb 13
and looks instead of a blow with the fist or a kick &c
~ Monday
14th FIGURES we found about one foot of snow on the ground this
morning the Eastern mail came in this morning I spent
an hour in the Presidents office looking over the mail but
we did not find much News I received one paper & a letter
from Elder Lorenzo Snow, and a letter to his sister E. R. Snow
which I delivered to her and had some conversation with her
concerning her Brother Lorenzo. I wrote to Brother Snow
an answer to his Letter I spent the evening in the officeG. A. S
was present & herd the Book Entitled Joseph Smith the prophet red
and found many errors in it
I had a conversation with D Huntington upon the subject
[FIGURE] of a conversation with Arrowpene & Ben Simons as
follows. Arrowpene had Been to camp Floyd for several
days He came to Dimick Huntington & spent the night also
Ben Simons they lay and whispered to gether all night and
Brother Huntington said he was full of Hell Arrowpene was
sullen and he said in the morning the mormons was the cause
of the death of Pintets. Huntington asked him who told him so he
was silent a while then said Nobody. H. Yes sombody told
you so was it the Black bearded man. He said yes then Ben
Simons said that Dr Hurt had said that the Mormons had
teased the Govornor to send the soldiers to chastize them
the Indians & this was the cause why they shot Pintets
Ben Simons said some body had got to die for Shooting
at him last winter in the mountains he did not say
who it would be their is no dout but what Dr Hurt has
tried all the time to stir up the Indians to war against
the morning Arrowpene said that He could not tell what He
should do untill the snow should go off.
~ Tuesday
15 I spent the day on History and the evening at home in
the evening. Elder H C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called during
the evening. G. A. Smith made out an account of the
Early History of the Smith Family for Brother Kimball
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 16th I spent the day in the office on History I wrote
a letter to John Bennion about sheep I met at the
8th school house at a water meeting we Elected Br
Nobles as the first water master over the canida ditch
Brother Sanders over another ditch Wm Smoot over another
ditch & Brother Turnbow water master over the Wilen
~ Thursday
17th I spent the day on the History in the evening Brother
Fox arived from Rush valley some of the soldiers have
been killing some cattle of the brethren & insulting the
~ Friday
18th It commenced snowing about 8 oclok from the North
with strong wind the air was filled with snow
I spent the day on History. President Young called upon us
a few minutes and left with G. A. Smith I spent the evening
at Home & red a Book entitled Revolution in Russia
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 13, 1859 - February 18, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,