should take him He was to go east to the Devils gate &
return but he met the Eastern mail & returned with
it while at Green river stoped to camp & said that MCDonald had committed Murder & he should arest
him MCDonald herd of it & went to him & drew
his revol[v]er & shot at Scoty the ball passed through the
upper part of his sholder Scoty then shot M. C. Donald
through the neck & he fell dead it was said that sScoty
scalped him & gave it to a Friend to keep as a testimony
that he had done the deed. some people who were in favor
of MCDonald drove of[f] Scoties squaw & horses. A man
that was a Mormon was shot with 3 balls on dry creek
for his money. the murderer is still at large. I called
upon President Young & spent the afternoon with him and H C kimballD H WellsA CarringtonG A Smith &
others Brothers Jeremiah Hatch & William Milles arived
from Sanpete with word from Arrowpeen He says
that it was Tamoke a young Indian the son of Uinta
who killed Brother Brown then Brother CJosiah Call shot
Tamoke through the hips who has since died the indians
followed Brother Call & shot him. The Indians said they did
not wish us to be mad about it Arrowpeen wished to know if he must skhake hands with the armey he says that all
the Indians want to fight with the army for they have killed
one of our best men & the Indians are mad, and they are
gathering together to fight & Arrowpeen wants to fight
& he will not be controlled by any man but Brigham
Young. They say that Mr Hurt the Indian Agent & other
officers have told them that the United States Armey have
concocked a plan to send all their teamsters among the
Mormons & to distribute the soldiers among the Mormons
and when the snows fall to Block up the canyons they
will fall upon the Mormons & kill Brigham Young, his councellors The Twelve and all the Chiefs of the Mormons in
all this Territory and if the mormons would not fight now
they will fight when their Blood mingles with the Blood
of the Indians and the indians want to go to war they
all acknowlede Arrowpeen as their Chief & he will fight
unless Brigham Stops him. All the tribes in this region
will come together hold a council & Join in the war He
says the ^Sanpitch[Peobawah]parvantes^ Piedes, Utahs, Shushonies, & Navahoes
will all Join together to fight the soldiers, this is what
they want. They say that men appear to them in their
Meetings come up out of the ground & talk to them & tell
them they must not kill the mormons for the mormons
are good & will soon be one with the mormons Indians
the persons wh[o] appear to the Indians say they are theirs
Brother they said one man had a red pistol & if he shot it
it would blow the mountain to peaces The Indians said that
Judjge Eckels had advised Col Johnson to place a part of the
armey at Bridger a part at Cedar valley & some south
so that when they make an attack upon the Mormons they
could kill them & thougey could not get out of the valley
Oct 31
should take him He was to go east to the Devils gate &
return but he met the Eastern mail & returned with
it while at Green river stoped to camp & said that
MCDonald had committed Murder & he should arest
him MCDonald herd of it & went to him & drew
his revolver & shot at Scoty the ball passed through the
upper part of his sholder Scoty then shot M.C.Donald
through the neck & he fell dead it was said that Scoty
scalped him & gave it to a Friend to keep as a testimony
that he had done the deed some people who were in favor
of MCDonald drove off Scoties squaw & horses. A man
that was a Mormon was shot with 3 balls on dry creek
for his money. the murderer is still at large. I called
upon President Young & spent the afternoon with him and
H C KimballD H WellsA CarringtonG A Smith &
others Brothers Jeremiah Hatch & William Miles arived
from Sanpete with word from Arrowpeen He says
that it was Tamoke a young Indian the son of Uinta
who killed Brother Brown then Brother Josiah Call shot
Tamoke through the hips who has since died the indians
followed Brother Call & shot him. The Indians said they did
not wish us to be mad about it. Arrowpeen wished to know if
[FIGURE] he must shake hands with the armey he says that all
the Indians want to fight with the army for they have killed
one of our best men & the Indians are mad, and they are
gathering together to fight & Arrowpeen wants to fight
& he will not be controlled by any man but Brigham
Young. They say that Mr Hurt the Indian Agent & other
officers have told them that the United States Armey have
concocked a plan to send all their teamsters among the
Mormons & to distribute the soldiers among the Mormons
and when the snows fall to Block up the canyons they
will fall upon the Mormons & kill Brigham Young his
councellors The Twelve and all the Chiefs of the Mormons in
all this Territory and if the mormons would not fight now
they will fight when their Blood mingles with the Blood
of the Indians and the indians want to go to war they
all acknowledge Arrowpeen as their Chief & he will fight
unless Brigham Stops him. All the tribes in this region
will come together hold a council & Join in the war. He
says the Sanpitch Peobawah Piedes, parvantes Utahs, Shushonies, & Navahoes
will all Join together to fight the soldiers, this is what
they want. They say that men appear to them in their
Meetings come up out of the ground & talk to them & tell
them they must not kill the mormons for the mormons
are good & will soon be one with the Indians
the persons whoappear to the Indians say they are theirs
Brother they said one man had a red pistol & if he shot it
it would blow the mountain to peaces. The Indians said that
Judge Eckels had advised Col Johnson to place a part of the
armey at Bridger a part at Cedar valley & some south
so that when they make an attack upon the Mormons they
could kill them & they could not get out of the valley
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 31, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,