I called at Presidents Youngsoffice & herd 2 letters
read to him from Joseph W Young & Coward from St Louis. Brother Busby will start with a train on
the 5 of June. The Hand cart train on the 10 with 200
men 52 cart's & 8 waggons. The Church train on the
15 with 59 waggons for the Church & 11 of other men
in the charge of Brother Horton D. Haight is a good
Judge of animals. James Brown is coming with
60 waggons of Emigrating Saints. vary Healthy no
death, good feelings & unity. J. W. Young & George
Q Cannon got the fixings for the outfits all doing well pikes peak Excitement arising again
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Br Bentley prayed Br Pugmire was mouth. O Pratt preached
in the morning E D. Woolley & Wm. W. Phelps in the afternoon
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow O. Pratt
prayed I was mouth we consecrated 11 Bottles of oil for
President Young we called upon president Young & spent
about 2 Hours
~ Monday
25 I spent the day ploughing & Hoeing potatoes they were
vary weedy they should have been hoed 3 weeks before
The District Court opened yesterday in Secretary's offi[ce]
& sent the marshall out to summons a Jury while our
laws have appointed a way for the Juries to be appointed
but the Judges pay no regard to our laws.
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
26, , , , & 30 I spent the week laboring with
my hands. 2 men called upon me by the name of
Brown from Richland Oswego County New York
who were Neighbors to me when I lived there
they were well acquainted with my Brothers Azmond & Thompson Woodruff they were on the
way to Calafornia
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& Wiford Woodruff Jr prayed and E F. Sheets
was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Presid Young spoke in the morning. He said, it appeared to
be dark among the people He said he could feel it. He
spoke of the way to life & the way to death. Elder Vancott
spoke a short time. in the Afternoon H. C. Kimball
spoke & was followied by B Young upon the kingdom
of God. He preached one of the most interesting discour-
ses I ever heard. it was was reported By G. D. Watt
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow
for prayer. E. Snow prayed O pratt was mouth
~ Monday
Aug 1st I drew 2 loads of Hay in the forenoon & drove
my mules to Fort Harriman in the afternoon. Emma
& Wilford went with me. 20 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Wilford & I rode all day afer our horses & could not
~ Saturday
I called at Presidents Youngsoffice & herd 2 letters
read to him from Joseph W. Young & Coward from
St Louis. Brother Busby will start with a train on
the 5 of June. The Hand cart train on the 10 with 200
men 52 cart, s & 8 waggons. The Church train on the
15 with 59 waggons for the Church & 11 of other men
in the charge of Brother Horton D. Haight is a good
Judge of animals. James Brown is coming with
60 waggons of Emigrating Saints. vary Healthy no
death, good feelings & unity. J. W. Young & George
Q Cannon got the fixings for the outfits all doing well
Pikes peak Excitement arising again
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Br
Bentley prayed Br Pugmire was mouth O Pratt preached
in the morning E. D. Woolley & Wm. W. Phelps in the afternoon
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow O. Pratt
prayed I was mouth we consecrated 11 Bottles of oil for
President Young we called upon president Young & spent
about 2 Hours
~ Monday
25 I spent the day ploughing & Hoeing potatoes they were
vary weedy they should have been hoed 3 weeks before
The District Court opened yesterday in Secretary's office
& sent the marshall out to summons a Jury while our
laws have appointed a way for the Juries to be appointed
but the Judges pay no regard to our laws.
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
26, 27, 28, 29, & 30 I spent the week laboring with
my hands. 2 men called upon me by the name of
Brown from Richland Oswego County New York
who were Neighbors to me when I lived there
they were well acquainted with my Brothers
Azmond & Thompson Woodruff they were on the
way to Calafornia
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& Wiford Woodruff jr prayed and E F. Sheets
was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President
Young spoke in the morning He said, it appeared to
be dark among the people He said he could feel it He
spoke of the way to life & the way to death. Elder Vancott
spoke a short time.
in the Afternoon H. C. Kimball
spoke & was followed by B Young upon the kingdom
of God He preached one of the most interesting discourses I ever heard, it was was reported By G. D. Watt
I met in the evening with O Pratt & Erastus Snow
for prayer. E. Snow prayed O Pratt was mouth
~ Monday
Aug 1st I drew 2 loads of Hay in the forenoon & drove
my mules to Fort Harriman in the afternoon Emma
& Wilford went with me. 20 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Wilford & I rode all day afer our horses & could not
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 23, 1859 - August 2, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/98Gx