Synopsis of W. Woodruff travels & Journals from
1834 to 1853 Inclusive making Nineteen years
Travled during this period through
six Islands of the sea Twenty of the United
States & Three Territories including the
& & crossed the four times
Total distance Travled (80558) 80588 miles
Held public meetings & preached 1395 times
I Attended in the vineyard 86 conferences 86 Conferences
I Attended Elders Counsels 123 Counsels
I Attended General Conferences of the Church 15 Conferences
I Attended 217 Counsels with the Presidency & 12 217 Counsels
I met 15 times with the High Counsel 15 times
I Baptized (696) Assisted in baptizing thousands of others 696 Baptized
I Confirmed 1004 I helped confirm thousands 1004 confirmed
I was baptized for 36 Dead friends 36 Dead
I Ordained 4 Patriarchs 4 Patriarchs
I Ordained 10 Bishops 10 Bishops
I Ordained 24 High Counsel 24 H Counsel
I Ordained 25 High Priests 25 H Priests
I Ordained 13 Seventies 13 Seventies
I Ordained 162 Elders 162 Elders
I Ordained 142 Priests 142 Priests
I Ordained 63 Teachers 63 Teachers
I Ordained 13 Deacons 13 Deacons
I Ordained 1 President & 2 Counsellors of a stake 3 Zion
I assisted the Twelve in ordaining 275
Elders & Seventies in not counted in the above April 18th 1842
I Administered unto the sick by laying on of Hands 498 sick
I blessed 135 Children 135 Blessed
I Administered the marriage covenant to 13 Couple
I Planted 51 Churches 51 Churches
I esstablished 77 Preaching Places 77
I Had 10 mobs rise against me 10 mobs
I recorded in my Journals 30 of 30 sermons
I Recorded 25 of the sermons of the Twelve 25 Apostles
I Wrote 1557 Letters 1557 Letters
I Received 1063 1063
I Collected for the Temple in & Nauvoo $1674 dollars
I Procured subscribers for our Papers 205 subscribers