as one of our servants to act for us to do what we wish to have done
so it is with the Congress & the Governors of the several states and I am here as one of them as the servant of the people. Congress
has prepared a constitution for this Territory which they call
the organic act and have granted certain rights to this people as
a community. They have said this Territory should be organized
thus & so with a Govornor & Legislative Assembly and the
right is given to the people to select 26 Representatives & 13
councellors Annually this body may enact Laws to controll each
of us & all the inhabitants of this Territory including the governor
the Judges the Secretary the supreme coart the District court
& the Probate court. they have said they shall have all the
power given to them by the Legislative assembly we have a Legislative
Assembly & Magistrates courts congress will send certain men
to hold supreme courts & send other men as officers to the Territory
of Utah to transact business for the Territory of Utah so as to
make it as easy as possible. The United States Judges are not
here as Kings or Monarchs but as servants of the people
And when you see a Judge puting a city under Martial Law they
manifest Boyism & you should pitty them & give them a peace of
cake. If a man wants to be what he is not, it is certain that He
wants to get out of his sphere. When some man know a
hundred words He thinks he knows all of webster some will
try to study a hundred sciences of the day & then know no
more than a child. When a person studies Divinity 5 years
they are ownly fit to be put down upon the ground as a block
to stand upon to get upon your horses. sI see some here who
have come 50 or 100 miles at the squa[w]king of a goose crow &
dont you know if you want a court had there, that the
Judge should go there & hold it. And if a Judge dont know this
it is because he is vary ignorant And He ought to [illegible] learn his
duty. I am perfectly asstonished at these my Brethren to think
that if a man takes a pumpkin & says it is an Apple you must
acknowledge that it is an Apple & swallow it as such or if they
take a rotton potatoe & say it is a peach then cram it down your
throat as a peach. When you see a rotton Potatoe why dont you
acknowlede it is a rotten potatoe. Now I say to you Jurymen
& witnesses pack up your dudds & go home & stay there till you
have business. If I come here & act the tyrant insted of a Gover-
nor you ought to kick me out and all officers ought to be
served in the same way when they get out of the way & act the fool
or els let the people swallow the rotten potatoe & call it a peach
I know the meaning the marrow & the pith of the Laws and the
vary principle upon which they are built much better than the
Judges do. I know the meaning of them & the Duty of all the
officers in this Territory. I say this for your instruction
To see men come here at the calling of a foolish boy, freezing
your toes & killing your horses in the cold month of December is foolish-
nesh. when you want him send for him & pay your respects to
him but they do not understand the Law. take some of the
boys & learn them sumthing and treat them as Gentlemen & make
them treat you as Gentleman. when I see Lawyeiers & Judges rising
up here & saying that our laws are not right & we should not
be governed by them, It puts me in mind of the Anecdote of the
as one of our servants to act for us to do what we wish to have done
so it is with the congress & the Governors of the several States and
I am here as one of them as the servant of the people. Congress
has prepared a constitution for this Territory which they call
the organic act and have granted certain rights to this people as
a community. They have said this Territory should be organized
thus & so with a Govornor & Legislative Assembly and the
right is given to the people to select 26 Representatives & 13
councellors Annually this body may enact Laws to controll each
of us & all the inhabitants of this Territory including the governor
the Judges the Secretary the supreme coart the District court
& the Probate court. they have said they shall have all the
power given to them by the Legislative assembly we have a Legislative
Assembly & Magistrates courts congress will send certain men
to hold supreme courts & send other men as officers to the Territory
of Utah to transact business for the Territory of Utah so as to
make it as easy as possible. The United States Judges are not
here as Kings or Monarchs but as servants of the people
And when you see a Judge puting a city under Martial Law they
manifest Boyism & you should pitty them & give them a peace of
cake. If a man wants to be what he is not it is certain that He
wants to get out of his sphere. when some men know a
hundred words He thinks he knows all of webster some will
try to study a hundred sciences of the day & then know no
more than a child. when a person studies Divinity 5 years
they are ownly fit to be put down upon the ground as a block
to stand upon to get upon your horses. I see some here who
have come 50 or 100 miles at the squawking of a crow &
dont you know if you want a court had there that the
Judge should go there & hold it. And if a Judge dont know this
it is because he is vary ignorant And He ought to learn his
duty. I am perfectly asstonished at these my Brethren to think
that if a man takes a pumpkin & says it is an Apple you must
acknowledge that it is an Apple & swallow it as such or if they
take a rotton potatoe & say it is a peach then cram it down your
throat as a peach. when you see a rotton Potatoe why dont you
acknowledge it is a rotten potatoe. Now I say to you Jurymen
& witnesses pack up your dudds & go home & stay there till you
have business. If I come here & act the tyrant insted of a Governor you ought to kick me out and all officers ought to be
served in the same way when they get out of the way & act the fool
or els let the people swallow the rotten potatoe & call it a peach
I know the meaning the marrow & the pith of the Laws and the
vary principle upon which they are built much better than the
Judges do I know the meaning of them & the Duty of all the
officers in this Territory I say this for your instruction
To see men come here at the calling of a foolish boy, freezing
your toes & killing your horses in the cold month of December is foolishnesh when you want him send for him & pay your respects to
him but they do not understand the Law. take some of the
boys & learn them sumthing and treat them as Gentlemen & make
them treat you as a Gentleman. when I see Lawyiers & Judges rising
up here & saying that our laws are not right & we should not
be governed by them, It puts me in mind of the Anecdote of the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 13, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,