in the prayer circle. C. C. Richwas ^prayed^ Mouth & President Young
was Mouth. In the Evening I went down to see James Furguson
who was near his end, with hard drinking he wished me to administer to him which I did he did not have any realizing
sens that he was going to die. I told hims family that he would not
live much past midnight He died about 1 oclok at night
~ Monday
31. I rode to Fort Herriman to attend to the gathering of my stok to
send to Rush valley with the rest of the Fort Harriman. they drove on
Monday about 200 Head of stock which was put into small
caralls & they goaded each other vary much through the night
~ Tuesday
Sept 1. The people made a drive to day gathered about 200 Head of
oxen & cows more they were put into the heard with the rest & in
the night they had a stampede and knocked down the carall & run
away the Horsmen went after them & it took till 10 oclok in
the morning to get them together again
~ Wednesday
2nd they drove in more stok to day I got 30 Head in all
~ Thursday
3rd. I turned in 28 Head in the Heard to drive to rush valley
they started at 10 oclock awith about 500 Head of cattle 200
Horses & 1000 sheep they putty near cleared Fort Harriman
of the stock on the range I returned to the city ^40 mls^ I recieived a vary good Letter from my son Wilford
~ Friday
4. I spent the day picking peaches & Apples I picked about 20
Bushels & sent 5 bushels of peaches to the Tithing office
~ Saturday
5 Saturday I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple & D. H. Wells 7 couple ^30 Endow[men]ts^. I spent
the afternoon Journalizing we had a hard wind at
noon that blew off much fruit
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop Hoagland Prayed W Woodruff was mouth. I attended meeting
at the Bowery. ^Martin^ Zyderlaand, D. H. Wells & W. Woodruff spoke
in the morning & G. A. Smith spoke in the afternoon. President Young met with G. A. Smith & myself for Prayer. W Wood-
ruff prayed & G A Smith was mouth.
in the prayer circle. C. C. Rich prayed & President Young
was Mouth. In the Evening I went down to see James Furguson
who was near his End, with hard drinking he wished me to
administer to him which I did he did not have any realizing
sens that he was going to die. I told his family that he would not
live much past midnight He died about 1 oclok at night
~ Monday
31. I rode to Fort Herriman to attend to the gathering of my stok to
send to Rush Valley with the rest of the Fort Harriman. they drove on
Monday about 200 Head of stock which was put into small
carralls & they goaded Each other vary much through the night
~ Tuesday
Sept 1st The people made a drive to day gathered about 200 head of
oxen & cows more they were put into the heard with the rest & in
the night they had a stampede and knocked down the carrall & run
away the Horsmen went after them & it took till 10 oclok in
the morning to get them together again
~ Wednesday
2nd they drove in more stok to day I got 30 Head in all
~ Thursday
3rd. I turned in 28 Head in the Heard to drive to rush valley
they started at 10 oclockwith about 500 Head of cattle 200
Horses & 1000 sheep they putty near cleared Fort Harriman
of the stock on the range I returned to the city
[FIGURE] I received a vary good Letter from my son Wilford
~ Friday
4. I spent the day picking peaches & Apples I picked about 20
Bushels & sent 5 bushels of peaches to the Tithing office
~ Saturday
5 Saturday I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple & D. H. Wells 7 couple. I spent
the afternoon Journalizing we had a hard wind at
noon that blew off much fruit
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop
Hoagland Prayed W Woodruff was mouth. I attended meeting
at the Bowery. Martin Zyderlaand, D. H. Wells & W. Woodruff spoke
in the morning & G. A. Smith spoke in the afternoon. President
Young met with G. A. Smith & myself for Prayer W Woodruff Prayed & G A Smith was mouth.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," August 30, 1863 - September 7, 1863, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025,