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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898 |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | MS 1352 |
Collection Page | 1-384 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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President Young said that all the world would have been warned long ago in our day if all the world had bee[n] as faith- ful in warning his Neighbor as He & many of the Elders of this Church. When going to Zion in 1834 Joseph reproved the camp while standing upon a waggon wheel I said I had done the best I could & could not Better it if I was to try it again H. C. Kimball said the same. They said they had been in the Church nearly half of his life. (I WW have been in the Church more than half of my life) I remarked that it was an interesting time to live to to see the fulfillment of the President Young said it was an interesting time. H C Kimball said we should see it Just as well if Dead as if alive. President Young said, while we are in the flesh, we have to contend against evil spirits and Devils in a way which will be hid from us in the Spirit World. Brother Kimball said in speaking of our Prayer circle I never saw T. D. Brown in that circle but what I felt sorry to see him there. President Young said He would never have been there If you had not Recommended him for I had not confidence enough in him He leacked [lacked] & so did Wm. W. Phelps & others, what is spoken in a prayer circle should never be Named out of the circle not [to] a wife or any body Els if there is any thing to be said I will say it I could preach
W. Woodruff spoke & said that it is our privelege so to live as to have the spirit of God to bear record of the Truth of any revelation that comes from God through
I will tell you the God which you and I worship, it is a Being that was on an Earth like this He has been cloathed in Mortality the same as we have been and he has had Devils to fight the same as we have had but I do not expect they were the same Devils that we have. That God says I am your God and there is none Els let us worship him and none Els. He is the God that we have. No matter what Gods Enoch saw when the heavens were opened unto him if the God he saw had been exalted
Brother Benson also said I do not preach things which I do not know I keep in shallow water I wish to teach the people those things which they can understand, and those things we cannot understand I do not trouble myself about, I know it is my duty to sustain the president of this Church if I do not respect the President of this Church and belie his word and I set my self up against him I am under condem nation I would as lives cut off my right Hand, if he speaks to us we must believe him and obey him. I mean to do it.
President Young said I will tell you how I got along with Joseph I found out that God called Joseph to be a Prophet I did not do it, I then said I will leave the Prophet in the hands of that God who called and ordained him to be a Prophet He is not responsible to me and it is none of my business what He does it is for me to follow & obey him.
"Elder Taylor said in one of his sermons that if we walk in the light of the Lord we should have revelations all the time." it is the light that is within you no man can live his religion without living in Revelation
In speaking of the subject of faith He said we will find but little faith but a good deal of belief every body has that for it is an inherant principle in all. I have laid hands upon people when I knew they would be healed at other times I have laid hands upon people when I did not feel that way & still they were healed. I once laid hands upon a sister Lake when she said she had No faith I told her I did not care whether she had or not for I had and I knew she would be healed. I laid hands upon her & she was immiediately healed. I dont know how it is or how faith comes ownly as the gift of God I know No other way to get it.
"I want you to go upon your mission in the spirit of God you will do more good by bearing testimony of the work of God through the Holy Ghoost than all the argument you can use you may take two men one may be vary learned in all the arts & siences of the day and be able to preach a Bible & a half in one serman and the other man may be ignorant of these things but be filled with the Holy Ghost let one preach by his lear[n]ing & argument the other by the Holy Ghost & the man that preaches by the Holy Goh^o^st will make ten saints whare the other will one.
Elders should sbeek diligently to obtain all knowledge in their power but they should obtain the Holy Ghost to assist them in their ministry.
I am not a Bishop, but in a Bishops meeting and I feel like saying a few words as President Young has given liberty. It matters not to me whether the lash hits me or you in the reproofs given by President Young, I feel to thank God that we are blessed with a leader who has indipendence of mind sufficient to do the will of God let it reprove or rebuke who it may. He asks no odds of any kingdom, Nations, people person or thing who stands in the way of his doing his duty. It is a Blessing to us that we have a leader who have Eyes to see for us when we are in danger ourselves and if we had not some one to warn us and reprove us when we do wrong we would not be safe. President Young is sustained by the power of God and when he calls upon us to do any thing we ought to do it, and if we withhold we do it to our hurt. the Elders in England have beged of the people, untill they have bound them in chanes and kept them there in poverty if the Elders had pursued a wise course there are thousands who are now in England who would this day have been in Zion, then let us go to & fit out the missionaries and stop there begging from the poor. Bishop made a few remarks & the meeting dismissed
Elder O. Pratt spoke in the morning and he preached an Excellent discourse said he had been in the church thirty years lacking a few days spoke of what Joy he had in bearing testimony of the work of God & in bringing sools to repentence but he had sorrow in doing things that was not acceptable to the presidency of the Church. He said he was going on a mission and did not know whether he would ever return or not. He spoke as though he had some presentment that He would never return to Zion
we must do the best we can in this life & in the next we shall receive a fulness but before I go home I want to have my work done so that I can breath out my spirit in peace into the Hands of God. I want to use my time so that I have nothing to repent off. I want to live to do my work for If we leave our work to be done by somebody els to do it will be a long time before it is done Like an Elder going on a mission leaves work to be done By some one Els it is undone.
we must do the best we can in this life & in the next we shall receive a fulness but before I go home I want to have my work done so that I can breath out my spirit in peace into the Hands of God. I want to use my time so that I have nothing to repent off. I want to live to do my work for If we leave our work to be done by somebody els to do it will be a long time before it is done Like an Elder going on a mission leaves work to be done By some one Els it is undone.
I dont expect to do much good in this life yet I feel that I have done about the best I could. I dont want to live my life over again to try to Better it for I dont expect I should. I dont want to live any longer than it is the will of God I should
there is a fear or trembling in the departure of the spirit from the body because it is attended with pain I have no fear of Being dead or being in the spirit world but there is a fear in dying because of pain Hence their is a terror in death, but no fear in having my spirit free but to get there is hard work. If the children of men was in possession of the truth concerning Eternal things they would not cling to life as they do.
I attended a missionary Party at the social Hall at 5 oclok there were about 70 couple present it was much the best party I ever attended there was much of the spirit of the Lord resting upon the company all the Presid- ency & O Hyde W. Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith Lorenzo Snow Erastus Snow & G Q Cannon of the Twelve present I never saw President Young feel Better. He gave a short address He said the gentile chain was broaken & they would never put their yoke again upon the neck of the saints or church & Kingdom of God to all Eternity if we would do our duty
President Young said on sunday night Sept 23 to Orson Pratt & Erastus Snow now if
I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brother Taylor President Young preached to the people which were two vary interesting discourses the spirit & power of God was upon them & their teachings were vary plain & full of instruction there is a far greater outporing of the spirit of God upon the Presidency & Twelve & the Saints in general than ever before there is some great Events at the door of this generation which will effect both Zion & great Babylon.
there was much of the spirit & power of God rested upon President Young through the day and also upon the people. While walking with President Young I said Brother Young you feel well today and I am glad of it and I thank God that I have lived to see the day when the leader of the Church & kingdom of God fee is inspired to take the stand you have to day and the Lord will sustain you in it and I am satisfied that there is asome great Event at hand which will Effect Both Zion & Baybylon Presidet Young said "yes there is, and I am moved upon to take Just such a step as I do and I shall not take any other I feel as though the Lord stood by me & sayes punch the gentiles give it to them and I will stand by you"
Brother Gibson said that He was about to take another mission was going to Jappan, Siam, & the Malay Islands. He has had an invitation by the Historian of Jappan to visit that Land, is intimately acquainted with the King of Siam & has been strongly invited by the princes & Chiefs of the Malay Islands to visit them. He seems to have been raised up as an instrument in the Hands of God to open the way among those Nations for the receptions of the gospel President Young Blessed him & said He would go with a commission to all Nations upon the Earth & he should go with his good will & blessing.
The Mountaineer to day contains the news By Poney Express concerning the withdrawal of the Southern States from the union it commenced in South Carolina in fulfillment of the prophecy [FIGURES] of Joseph Smith the Prophet or the revelation of the Lord through him which has been published in the pearl of Great Price & written in various Books for many years it really looks as though the United States were ripe for the Harvest
We got the mail this morning. The New York Herrald of Nov 1st 1860 Howls Bitterly at the prospect of the desolution of the American Union which is nigh the door as the signs of the times indicate. South Carolina is the first to cecede according to the Revelation of the Lord through Joseph Smith given December 25 1835. Four other States have already signifyed their intention to follow. The papers are full of the speeches of southern statesmen alling upon the South to arm themselves against the North & to secede from the Northern States the times are quite warlike
I attended meeting at the Tabernacle J. D. Ross preached in the Morning D H Wells in the afternoon followed by H. C. Kimball & B. Young all spoke well. Brother Wells exhorted the people old & young to put away the intoxicating cup & scease drinking strong drink as it was intoxicating the brain and destroying their influence he made a strong appeal to the mothers. He was Followed by President Kimball who bore testimony to the truth of what D. H. Wells had said. He also exhorted the people to be united & live their religion
President Young spoke of the sermon of J. D. Ross, who quoted the scripture that sayes My "I have other sheep which are not of this Fold &c" He says that is not a correct translation it should read ["]I have other sheep of this fold" For there is but one Fold & one shepherd. He allso said that no Elder understood all the first [FIGURE] principles of the gospel if any man did he knew more than he did. the gospel was like a cotton Factory or paper Mill a person must understand the whole machinery in order to know how cloth or paper is maide
He also spoke of the Celestial Law said we show [should] not have the Celestial law revealed to us untill we get into the Celestial Kingdom there is a Law belonging to every kingdom what kingdom are we in, we are not even in a Terrestrial kingdom then let us not talk about keeping a Celestial Law untill we get into a Celestial Kingdom at least untill we can keep the Law of the gospel while in a Telestial kingdom.
He was Followed by President Brigham Young who said I think upon the fulfillment of thes prophesies as much as Elder Taylor, but my Great concern is about the preperation of this people for those things which await them are this people prepared to dwell in Zion and the New Jerrusalem while they mingle with thieves, Blasphemers, drunkards, liars, & whoremungars, those who profess to be latter day saints are guilty of these things, and I have had hard work to hold myself From going through the Land & clenseding it from such characters I wish the drunkards were dead & buried they seek to dray [drag] away our children & destroy them, he said the young men said they would do as I told toldhem I will now tell you all to Quit drinking whiskey & strong drink & your lying, stwareing, & stealing & many other things He spoke of the army that had come here for our destruction they were in a trap so that we could handle them but many of the mormons had followed them around & licked the dust of their feet as it were and worshiped them &while if they had taken my council I would have made them Eat Mules legs and skin a gallee ie milk porage without any milk. they should have paid well for what they had & I would have had there Money & used it for gathering the poor saints & many things he spoke of he said the president of the United States James Buchanan was one of the greatest Liyers there was upon Earth He knew he lyed when he said that when he went into power the Mormons were in open rebelion against the U.S He said the Government was the most corrupt & rotten of any Government in the world & they were ready to be destroyed
Joseph Smith the Prophet of God told the people of the United States Government what awaited them & there final Destiny as a Nation because of there wickedness & abominations & because they would shed the Blood of Prophets & Saints. He said in 1832 x 28 years ago thatSouth Carolinia would rise up in rebelion, and that war would commence at that place & that the Southern States would arise up in rebelion against the Northern States & the Northern States against the Southern States & that war would be poured out upon all Nations which would End in the death & miser of many of many souls & because of these things
He does not let us see every thing in the future before us but makes us promises & makes us walk by faith that we may obtain them and the greater our trials & conquests the greater will be our crown & glory. So all those who have been tried & got through do not wish to administer to us in that way that they will make it any lighter for us than it has been for them that all may be tried alike as far as is consistent with the Economy of God
it was natural for us to wish to make all men like ourselves but we must take men as we find them & deal with them as such there is a great variety in the kingdom of God You cannot find any two limbs or leaves of a tree or spears of grass just alike
He spoke upon the subject of the Patriarchal Marriage He said if a man took more than one [FIGURE] wife upon the principle of passion instead of principle it will prove a curse instead of a Blessing
He said the Lord would not permit him nor any other man to lead this people astray if the leaders were to do wrong the Lord would take them away. If an Apostle did not magnify his Calling the Lord would remove him & not permit him to lead the people astray.
He was followed By President Young who said the Book that John saw in the Hands of the angel was the Book containing the record of the Events of the children of men upon this Earth the scribes keep a record in Heaven of the acts of men as they trans- pire upon the Earth & they will be Judged out of the Books. The Beasts there spoken of By John were actual Beasts that were raised from the dead A true Prophet speaks of things which are true they do not prophesy falsly. "we shall see the Judgments of God poured out upon the wicked untill it will make us weep. He said many interesting
President Young who preached upon the Law of Life He gave much vary good instruction and turned a [key FIGURE] that onlocked a door that showed the future as touched ourselves & our posterity for- ever. He tought us the importance of our doing right & living the Law of Life that we might be strong & healthy & have healthy children and that Mothers should be prudent for the Benefit of there osprings.
The following Dedication Prayer was offered by W Woodruff O God our Eternal Father we present ourselves before thee this Morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to Dedicate this House unto Thee, and we ask for thy Holy Spirit to bring all things to our rememberance which may be nessacessary in the dedication of this House. We dedicate the Foundation of this building together with the ground upon which it stands that it may be Holy from the commencement to the name of Most High. We dedicate the Foundation with the rock Mortar and timbers and all things appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate the walls of this House with the adobies, the mortar and every- thiing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto Thee. We dedicate the door with the Joists boards and nails thereof that the same may be Holy unto Thee. We also dedicate the windows with the sash, glass putty and everything pertaining thereto also the curtains with the trimings ^thereof^ and the shades that they may be Holy unto thee Lord. we dedicate the doors with the Hinges screws locks, latches, and every thing pertaining thereto that they may be Holy unto Thee the Lord our God. We dedicate the Roof with the rafters, boards, shingles, lath, nails
As Brother Woodruff has asked the Lord in his prayer so I feel to say amen to the whole of it even to the destruction of the Buildings if our Enemies ever had power to possess it. But I do mot think ewe shall ever be driven from this inheritance I am satisfied we never shall be if we live our religion & do our duty. Here we are gathered together from all the Nations of the Earth, like the net cast into the sea it gathers both good & bad and each one works out what is in him.
I delight to meet here my soul is full of Blessings for this people. We are living in a world of sin yet we are approaching to the light and travelling together as Latter Day Saints we should dedicate our all to God. The gospel of Jesus Christ is to make good men better and to put them in a position to receive Happiness Joy and glory to the fullness
When you have parties in this House dont admit drunken men into it. another principle I wish to speak of if the Bishop wishes to invite a Gentile in dont let the people complain about it for when a Gentile comes in here and the priesthood rules the Gentiles can do no hurt, But Let an Elder or any latter Day Saints go & attend a party among the Gentiles whare they reign and it is vary different that would be rong. We should never bow down to the wicked we should never descend but asscend & try to Elevate others to our standard
This is the last day of 1861 which has past and gone and borne its report to heaven of the deeds of all Nations and men. This year has brought to pass much of the fulfillment of the predictions of the Ancient and Modern `Prophets of God. See this Journal DecJan 1st 1861 I there declaired as a Prophetic Historian that this year would be the most distressing year America Ever sayw since they were an independant Nation time has proven it so Five States viz Missisippi, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana & Florida seceded from from the Union in January the first month of the year. Texas seceded in Febuary. then followed North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, and A part of Missouri have all seceded during 1861. This has brought on a terrible war upon the Nation both North & South have rushed to armes untill the North alone has over six hundred thousand men under arm and the South near the same number of men. this war has cost the Northern States some Five Hundred Millions of Dollars during the past year and many thousands of lives and this is ownly the Begining of trouble the close of 1862 will leave America with a debt upon her shoulders of One Billion dollars a debt as large as the debt of England. The State of Missouri whare the saints have received there persecutions is now the great Battlefield of the West. it is now man against man & neighbor against Neighbor they who have spoiled the saints are now being spoiled Independance, & Jackson County Missouri, is nearly destroyed is is the case with many parts of the State. The Lord has taken peace from the Earth and all Nations are Still prepar ing for war. The Lord has pointed out the fate of this Nation in the Book of Mormon and Doctrins & Covenants
Israel Begins to Feel that it is time to rise up and appoint her own Governors, Judges & Rulers & trust in God for the Result The American Nation as a United States Government is doomed To destruction and No power can save it. They have forfeited all right and title to Redemption or Salvation at the Hand of the Lord or his saints it is decreed that the measure which they have meeted out unto the saints shall be meetied unto them and they are hastening unto there work of desolation, war, Bloodshed, & destruction and wo, wo, is ther doom. The spirit of Prophecy would cry O, Lord, Hasten thy work, let the wicked slay the wicked untill the whole land is clensed from the corruption, sin, abomination, and wickedness which now reigns upon the face of the whole Earth. May thy Judgments Continue to be poured out upon this land of North America untill the Blood of Prophets & Saints is avenged before the Lord and thy words fulfilled upon the Land of Joseph. Take away the sceptre rule and Government from the wicked & corrupt and give it into the Hands of the Just even thy saints, that they may rule in righteousness before thee. Give thy oppressed people O Lord the privilege of appointing there own Governor, Judges, and Rulers, from this time forth that thy Kingdom may be Esstab- lished upon the Earth, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel
Jan 1st 1862 This is the commencement of another New year in this momentous fast age 1860 & 61 have been two vary important years in the History of the united States but 1862 will be more so. The war will be more severe the people will be more inspired to shed Blood, greater Battles will be fought & more lives lost, and there will be many destructions in the Land, the Lord will visit the people with other Judgments besides war, great calamities await the wicked this year. there will be wars in foreign lands and a great ^want^ of Bread in the Earth ther will be pestilence, tempests, floods Earth quaks and whirl winds and Hail stormes which will destroy many of the lives of men and the crops of the Earth, and the Lord will continue to weaken this Nation untill they are broaken to peasces and cast down to rise no more forever The Lord has commenced a controvery with the Gentiles upon this continent and He will never scease untill they are broaken up & destroyed. The Historian tryswill have much material for History during this year.
The foundation of the Temple has been Uncovered and it is the intention to commence building it this season. The saints are also about to call a convention to organize a State Government and there will be a great gathering of the Saints and there will many things transpire in fulfillment of the Ancient & Modern Prophets. The Nations of the Earth grow more and more wicked. Virtue righteousness & truth is hardly known among men Except what is found among the Latter Day Saints and they are persecuted by the Nation because it Exists among them. This is a vary wicked generation & the Earth groans under its abomination and because of these things the Lord will pour out his Judgments upon the inhabitants of the Earth Untill the Earth is clensed from the Abomination that Exhists & the refuge of lies is swept away and the Earth prepared for the coming of the LORD, who will Esstablish righteousness & truth
President Brigham Young who delivered a vary instructing & useful discourse. [FIGURE] He Exhorted the saints to bring ther passions in subjection to the spirit of God for the spirit of God would teach every person that which is right & rwrong then let the saints take the wright & refuse the wrong as long as a man follows the spirit of God so long so long the spirit of God will dwell with him we shall have a glory Just according to the Law we keep there are many degrees of glory ther are but vary few capable of receiving the Highest degree of Glory there are but few in comparison who will be crown[ed] Gods & the sons of God for they will not keep the Law which will give it to them He made many vary important remarks.
Jan 6th 1862 [FIGURE] This is one of the most important days in the last dispensation the inhabitants of this city met in a Mass meeting for the purpose of appointing 9 men to meet in convention with others from this Territory to frame a constitution and organize a State Government to Elect our own Governor Judges & peace officers and to ask Congress to be admitted into the Union and if they will not admit us we will go on independant of them as our Fathers did in the Begining & God will sustain us in it. The Tabernacle was filled with men the Bone & sinnew of these mountains it was the Highest Tribunal among men upon Earth it was not ownly an assembly of the people from whom Emanates all power, Law authority and Government among freemen But it was an assembly of Prophets Apostles Priests & Saints of the Most High God who are inspired and Appointed to build up the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
All the people were ripe for the organization of a State Government, the Heavens the Earth, the Holy Spirit, & the people were all ready for this work AOur Fathers who made the declaration of independance and formed the American Constitution was inspired to lay the foundation of a Free and independant Government and the Lord protected them in it. But they did not know that they were inspired to do it there was a veil over them that they did not know what the purposes of the Lord were or that he was protecting them it is not so with us we know that God is leading us and is inspiring his people to Esstablish his Kingdom & Government upon the Earth & we know it
you have chosen me as your Govornor. I have been the governor all the time of this people and shall be And I will say to you and to all men that I will not hold this office or officiate in it ownly as I shall be dictated by the Holy Priesthood of the Son of God.
We shall be the ownly people that will maintain the Const- itution owhile others will break it. We will ask Congress to admit us into the family of States what if they do not. We have got a Government and what are they going to do about it If the Constitution has been carried out it would have hung President Buchannan and all who were associated with him in making war upon us. Some want to stay longer to talk but I am willing the United States should know that we are capable of doing up important business in a short time much faster than any other people. I like this Constitution. But what Business has such a sentence in the Constitution that all men may worship God as they please What do the people know about God it would be much more applicable if it said that all men might make a God of Gold, Silver, Brass Iron Wood or Stone or of any thing Els and worship that. But now let us go to and worship God & maintain his kingdom upon the Earth in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
The Constitution of the State of Deserett was Presented Engrossed it was taken up & read then all of the delegates to the convention came forward and signed the Constitution By Counties I signed Wilford Woodruff to five Copies, and I consider it the most important document that I ever attached my signature to.
President D. H. Wells then addressed the assembly. He said I do not feel as much like talking as I do like acting. Why will Congress shut the door to us because we were Mormons and they would not do it if this was not the true Church of Christ. But the days will come when the people of the United States will seek unto this people for Union for this people will have a permanent Government Joseph Smith told what would come to pass. He spoke of this war Said it would begin at South Carolina but He dare not publish it at First for fear the people would call it treason. Yet it is Coming to pass before our Eyes.
Did Joseph Smith make the war on South Carolina No He did not but He foretold it, and that was all he had to do in the matter many men can see no difference between foreknowledge &
Attendtion paid to Females some Females complain that there is not attention Enough paid to them in this community But I will say that there is no community on Earth where as much respect & attention is paid to Females as in this Church.
Attendtion paid to Females some Females complain that there is not attention Enough paid to them in this community But I will say that there is no community on Earth where as much respect & attention is paid to Females as in this Church.
I think it more profitable for the saints to meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & scien- ces and various principles than to spend so much time in danceing and light amusement.
History is given under two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred & profane History many times is vary closely connected together.
I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations. Here in the siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perished inby the sword famine, pestilence, & fire.
Rollins compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially of their wars. I would recommend this History for our yound men to read who wish to become acquainted with an- cient History.
I would also refer to the History of Greece & Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those Nations, Kingdom & Countrys, you may say that Historians have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians obtained materials from which to compile theire History. I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this class of men forms the foundation of all History and from there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after Events transpire will compile History. But without material Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.
THere was Adam and seven of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine hundred years Except Mahalealel who lacked five years of Being Nine hundred years of age. Enoch was 365 years of age when he was Translated. Here was that great & glorious meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of it those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event. Abramham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left to the world by there Journals and sacred records some History of the dealings of God with them. But there records were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldecic and Hebrew, mingled with many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas & principles to future generations, some of which have been translated into the English language by the order of King James which now forms the Bible. But what a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for 4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.
Christ Came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel & Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the saints had to contend with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church
The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this con- tinent were commanded of God to write their history upon Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon and is the purest translation of ancient records that we have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God. But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God, Esstablished by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms upon Earth and we are the People Ordained of God to Esstab- lish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare the way for the coming of Jeussus Christ. Now should we not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings of God with [us] as they transpire day by day before our Eyes we should.
This Church & Kingdom is organized in all the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the
This Church is organized with a presidency of 3 men the Twelve Apostles also 63 Quorums of Seventies 4,410, Apostles & many thousands of High Priests, Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, & Deacons all should keep a Journal of the dealings of God with them and there officials acts, and keep a true History of Events in this great dispensation.
I was inspired & moved upon to write a Journal & keep a record of the affairs of this Church from the time I first Joined this Church up to the Presient time. I seldom Ever heard the Prophet Joseph, or Brigham Young, or the Apostles teach preach or Prophesy or perform any official act but what I have recorded it in my Journals unless some other persons were recording the same, and I could not feel Easy untill I had accomplished it. I have written more sacred History of the teaching of the prophets & Apostles & official acts of the Latter day Sants than would make several Testiments as large as the one Handed down to us by the Ancient Apostles I have kept a Journal of almost Evry day of my life since I have been a member of this Church. By refering to my Journals I could tell Each day what I have done, the company I have been in, and what was transpiring around me, and any council and Teaching From the Presidency or Twelve Except whare I know there were reporters recording the same. I have urged this same course upon the Twelve & the other Quorums of the Church to keep a record of there meetings & the dealings of God with them and for all men who bear the Holy Pristhood to keep a record of their lives or Esspecially of there official Acts in the Church and kingdom of God. Some may say this is a great deal of trouble But we should not call any thing trouble which brings to pass good. I consider that portion of my life which has been spent in keeping Journals & writing History to have been vary profitably spent.
For instance the Lord gives unto us the Holy
Kimball who spoke of the body & spirit of man but did not Explain the subject to the satisfaction of President Young He then followed Brother Kimball and Explained the matter to the people and said the Bodoy or Tabernacle was all & Every thing to us without the Tabernacle we could not get an Exaltation we should have in the morning of the resurrection the same body we have now, the baby resurrection as taught by OH was a fals doctrin & no truth in it.
President Young said I expect this Temple will stand through the Millennium & the Brethren will go in and give thei Endowments to the people
Presidet Young then said right west of the Temple in a line between the North & South gates we shall build a Tower & put a Bell in it we shall build it square & build it as high as we please then west of the Tower we will build a Tabernacle to hold some 15,000 people the Tower will stand so as to have a road Each side of it, one between the Tower & Temple, & one between the Tower & Tabernacle this plan was shown me in vision when I first came onto the ground.
President Young addressed the ^people^ for more than an hour upon this text "seek first the Kingdom of Heaven & all things necessary will be added unto you. He spoke much to the Edification of the people. He said that it was Just as important that we should try to preserve our lives & seek to fulfill our mission in this probation as in any period of our Exhistence.
We are the best of any people on the Earth, and there is no people as well off as this people on the Earth for light & the knowledge of God.
Elder Orson Pratt had been sick & night [nigh] unto death with the Pleurisy in the left side I went with the Twelve to visit him on the 2d instant & laid hands upon him. On the 3d Friday several of the Twelve laid hands upon him I visited him in the Evening & laid hands upon him & told him in the name of the Lord that He should live & not die & that He should be healed for He had not done his work in the flesh. He began to amend & told me he thought He should be able to attend conference. I was quite surprised to see him come into the Tabernacle this morning & take a seate with us.
An Additional List of missionaries was read to the Assembly among the rest my son Wilford Woodruff Jr was called to go upon a mission to England it rejoices my hart that I have lived to see the day when I have a son who is called to go into the vineyard of the Lord.
When our children are called to go hence. when our children are taken from us who have not Jeperdized their chances of Salvation, we have reason to rejoice instead of mourning. I knew this young lad, he was a fine boy and as far as he had grown up he manifested the finest traits of character. he is now locked up whare he is safe and sure of salvation Is not this a comfort?
If all who bear the name of Saints get into the celestial world it will be because they purify themselves and are faithful & overcome & feel a little more the responsibility that belongs to the Kingdom of God than many now do.
August 22, 1863 ~ Saturday 22d We held a conference with the People of Cash Valley, met in a large Bowery. W Woodruff spoke in the morning ^and foretold the Building of the temple in Logan By prophesy^ followed by President Young ^whoho said, "Br Woodruff spoke By Revelation"
President Young spoke with great Plainness and Power. He called upon thHis councillors & the Twelve to wake up & get rid of there selfishness & get the spirit of God & Edify the people He called upon the whole people to covenant with upli- fted hands to Heaven to obey his council which we all did.He told the people to go to & build graneries & continue to lay up grain untill they had bread to last them seven years & not sell their grain to any body untill they had done this & stop sending their bread stuff to the gold mines & stop going to the gold mines to stay at home & attend to there own business, stop carrying grain to the distilleries to be made into whiskey, stop making whiskey & stop drinking whiskey, and if you will do this I promise you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you will suffer no famine
It is right that we should cling to life that we may live to do our Duty, to build up the kingdom of God but we should not cling to the world or to set our hearts upon the things of the world we should live Every day so that we should be satisfied with our- selves at night it will be an Evidence that the Lord is satisfied with us we should seek to do our duty day by day.
I see the power of God manifest around me Every day. Joseph laid hands with me yesterday upon one of my wives who was vary sick & it seemed as though she could not live an hour & she was healed right up & thousands of the saints who are now alive would now have been in there graves if it had not been for the Exercise of faith in the midst of the saints.
we have in our bodies the seeds of Death & our secret Enemy takes every advantage He can to destroy our lives from off the Earth. many of the children are taken away As to Sister Ivins she Appeared to be ripe she was in years. Whare has she gone she is in Paradise, in the world of spirits whare is it, It is in this world & on this Earth I do not think sister Ivins is far off she may be in this room we have not to go out of this room to find the Lord, He is in all places by his influence. I told Brother Orson Pratt when He said there was Empty space if he would show me where it was I would show him one place where the Lord was not. All men will have to pass through the ordeal of Death. Jesus Christ went through the same & all men will have to go through the same. Our bodies go to the dust where they will lie untill they are raised up clothed with Immortality we shall meet Sister Ivins in the Resurrection she has been kindly treated by her children & all the family and I feel to Bless them for it I have never met with Sister Ivins but what she manifested a good kind contented spirit, we all want to be prepared for that which is to come, we should Exercise faith for the devils wicked men & Nations & all Hell are triying to destroy the Latter Day Saints & the Kingdom of God. We have the seeds of death within us & the devils take the advantage of us & try to destroy us in our weakness. I would rather have the faith of the gospel than
In company with A. O. Smoot I laid hands upon Joseph & Owen Smith also Leonard Hardys two wives his wife Sophiah had not lain down upon her bed for 6 days in consequence of severe pain & stomach was confined 2 days since when we took hoer hands off from her head her cough & pain stoped & she lay down upon the bed
In the Evening I met with President B Young J Taylor & G A Smith for Prayer. W Woodruff prayed & B Young was mouth President Young Requested us to go out & Preach & call to our aid a company of men to go out as missionaries to preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God to the People we drew up a list of 20 mames & Presented to the President which He Approved of
called up to go down to the farm & visit my daughter Susan who thought her youngest child was dying. I took Mrs Woodruff down to see the child we laid hands upon & rebuked the desease & the child began to amend
Joseph the Prophet said whoever lived to see 1860 would live to see the commencement of the down- fall of the United States the Union was dissolved in 1860 & Civel war commenced which has raged Ever since & the Land is beginning to be bathed in Blood & will continue untill the words of the Prophet will be fullfilled. It is an important age of the world and the Events of Each year are rapidly fullfilling the words of all Prophets since the world Began
I have watched the signes of the times for many years, and the fulfilment of Prophesy. And I am satisfied that there are great & mighty Events at our doors among which are great wars, Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes, stormes, & tempests, the overthrow of Republics Nations, Kingdoms, & thrones, the opening of the seals and the Pouring out of the Plagues upon Great Baybylon in fulfillment of Daniel, The Revelator John, & Joseph Smith and all Prophets who have spoken of the last days. The last three years have been vary important in the History of the United States. The union has been dissolved and A Bloody war has ben raging for three years, and the spirit of God is being withdrawn from the Nation and the wicked are slaying the wicked and the land is being deluged in Blood and great destructin awaits the Nation and there are great Events await all Nations and the way is preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and his coming will overtake the world as a thief in the night. 1864 will be an Eventful year and so will all the following years untill the Coming of the savior. The Lord is watching over the interest of Zion and sustaining his Kingdom upon the Earth and Preparing the way for the return of his Saints to Jackson County Mo to build up the waste places of Zion Jackson County have been Entirely cleared of its inhabitants during the year 1863. Which is one of the greatest miracles manifest in our day, and those who have driven the saints out of Missouri & spoiled them are in there turn now driven out and spoiled and there is much distress throughout all the land where the saints have been persecuted. And the judgments of God will continue upon the whole Nation untill the Blood of the prophets is avenged
I had a child quite sick I administered to it & it was heeled
President Brigham Young made the last speech & gave vary good Advise He told us how to have peace in our families. We should never let our families see us mad we should always be kind & mild with them & do what was right & not neglect our Prayers toor to ask a Blessing at the Table, but set a good Example before our families He said that the sin of Omission would lead to the sin of commission.
February 6, 1864 ~ Saturday 6 [FIGURE] This morning before I was out of Bed, My Grand Son Wilford Leslie Snow, son of Lorenzo & Phebe Snow, being two years old this day, came to my bed side & laid his hands upon my head & Gave me the following Blessing "O Lord Bless Grand Pa, give unto him great wisdom, health, strength, & Peace, comfort his heart, may he live long upon the Earth to do great good, give him power over Every enemy, and preserve him from Every Evil & sin. Give him the desires of his heart in all things in righteousness. May the spirit of God contin- ually rest upon Grand Pa to guide him in all things. may peace abide upon his habitation, & salvation upon his family forever I ask these Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen As Wilford Leslie is young in the Patriarchal office it is right to say he had the assistance of his Mother.
President Young ^He^ spoke followed upon Prayer said when any one Prayed all should close their Eyes and be united and all ask for the same thing that the speaker asks for without this we cannot get the Blessing And all parents should do the same in their family Prayer & learn their children to do the same or they cannot get what they ask for
we are in the Land of Zion. it is known why we are in this land. This Country was not much known untill we came into it. Since that time much has been known
I called upon F. D. Richards to speak he was quite sick & did not feel able I felt moved upon by the spirit of God to lay hands upon him which I did with G A Smith & He was healed & got up & spoke in the spirit & power of God & was followed by G A Smith & W. Woodruff.
I followed him & spoke an hour I never felt more liberty in speaking I had much of the spirit of the Lord upon me my mind was free & I had a good time
Sunday Jan 1, 1865 Jan 1, 1865 This is the commencement of a New Year The past year has been an Eventful year in many respects Esspecially in the history of the United States war has contine- ued to rage with awful carnage through the year between the North & South, and apparently with No prospect of peace. All Nations steem to be prepareing for war and great calamity await the wicked. yet Zion still prospers and God is with her He defends Zion & sustains his servants
E. T. Benson spoke in the morning & President Young in the afternoon which was a vary interesting discourse He conveyed the idea that Adam & Eve done right in partaking of the forbidden fruit they were sent to the Earth to do it that man might know the contrast good & Evil
Lieut Govornor H. C. Kimball made a verbal speech. He said we are as free as we ever shall be. The Lord will soon come to reign on the Earth and we are preparing for it. I say to this Assembly be of good cheer you shall never be hurt God will be our friend deliver us Our Enemies shall feel the power of God upon them. This is the kingdom of God
I am alive in Christ and we shall ride off triumphant. The Lord is no respecter of Persons God will bless & deliver his faithful children he has pleasure & confidence in them as we would in our faithful children we should not undertake to pull down our Brother to undertake to bu^i^lbt ourselves up at his Expens.
President Young preached one of the greatest sermons of his life in the afternoon among other things said the gospel of Christ Embraced all truth & Blessings to man & all knowledge.
. The Lord instituted Polygamy to raise up a royal Priesthood a kingdom of Priest, it is an institution of heaven all the blessings that are sealed upon us will do us no good unless we live for them
The Lord has in store for his children Every good thing the heart can desire in righteousness.
President Young spoke upon the word of wisdom how hard it was for us to overcome but "I will not let an appetite or passion master me.
The Lord has now set his hand one more for the Last time to Esstablish his kingdom upon the Earth to remain, to overcome the Devil & his works & subdue the Earth, & the Lord has decreed that this should be accomplished and the Lord has taken all the pains in his power to Accomplish it He has brought forth the best spirits that Ever dwelt in His presence, to come forth upon the Earth to work with him in the accomplishment of this work. Even Joseph Smith was retained in the Heavens for seven thousands years to come forth in this day to lay the foundation of this Church & kingdom to be trown down no more forever, nor to be given in to the hands of another people.