I spent the forenoon at home in the guarden the afternoon in the Office, Journalizing & compiling History Ira Jones Willis spent
the afternoon with us He gave us an account of his life He
was baptized April 18 1831 By Newel Knight He started
with the first company for Ohio, then was sent to Jackson
Co Missouri & was in the first company that arived there
July 25 1831. was through the persecution of Jackson Co M
was whiped by Moses G. Wilson with Hickery gads in 1834
& he bears the marks upon his back to this day whic he has
exhibited to us He went to Calafornia in the Mormon Batta-
lion & He & his Brother William Sidney Smith Willis took the
Job of digging the mill rase for Capt Sutter and discovered
the gold of Calafornia after labuoring about 2 month & coll-
ected $1,400 dollars. He pioneered the road from Sacramento
across the Siera nevada mountain through Carson valley to
the sink of the Humbolt & brough the first train of waggon
over that road He had 29 men, 17 waggons, 40 yoak of oxen
& about 40 mules & Horses, 20 cows & calves & was 30 days
in travelling from Plesant Valley to Carson Valley 80 miles
the value of time Expended in pioneering & making the road
amounted to $100000 as the company would have made
that amount in spending ther time in the gold mines and
saved the lives of many of the Emigrants by making this
road. Mrs Woodruff spent a vary sick night with the Neuralgy
~ Tuesday
8th We had an Eastern Mail to day I spent the day compiling
the History of June 18650 commenced June 1st
~ Wednesday
9th I spent the day compiling History in June
~ Thursday
10. I finished compiling the month of June to & commenced on July
~ Friday
11 I went down to the farm ground up several sythes to
be prepared to commence Haying I spent the Evening in the office
~ Saturday
12 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowm[en]ts to 66 persons I sealed 29 couple. I went
to office then in company with G. A. Smith & A Carrington
I visited the Telegraph Office Mr Strickney said the mail
would not be brought for 20 days they had changed their
rout. Lightning had destroyed some 15 telegraph poles
~ Monday
[FIGURE] July 7th1862
I spent the forenoon at home in the guarden the afternoon in the
Office, Journalizing & compiling History Ira Jones Willis spent
the afternoon with us He gave us an account of his life He
was baptized April 18 1831 By Newel Knight He started
with the first company for Ohio, then was sent to Jackson
Co Missouri & was in the first company that arived there
July 25 1831. was through the persecution of Jackson Co M
was whiped by Moses G. Wilson with Hickery gads in 1834
& he bears the marks upon his back to this day whic he has
Exhibited to us He went to Calafornia in the Mormon Battalion & He & his Brother William Sidney Smith Willis took the
Job of digging the mill rase for Capt Sutter and discovered
the gold of Calafornia after labouring about 2 month & collected $1,400 dollars. He pioneered the road from Sacramento
across the Siere nevada mountain through Carson valley to
the sink of the Humbolt & brough the first train of waggon
over that road He had 29 men, 17 waggons, 40 yoak of oxen
& about 40 mules & Horses, 20 cows & calves & was 30 days
in travelling from Plesant Valley to Carson Valley 80 miles
the value of time Expended in pioneering & making the road
amounted to $100000 as the company would have made
that amount in spending ther time in the gold mines and
saved the lives of many of the Emigrants by making this
road. Mrs Woodruff spent a vary sick night with the Neuralgy
~ Tuesday
8th We had an Eastern Mail to day I spent the day compiling
the History of June 1850 commenced June 1st
~ Wednesday
9th I spent the day compiling History in June
~ Thursday
10. I finished compiling the month of June to & commenced on July
~ Friday
11 I went down to the farm ground up several sythes to
be prepared to commence Haying I spent the Evening in the office
12 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 66 persons I sealed 29 couple. I went
to office then in company with G. A. Smith & A Carrington
I visited the Telegraph Office Mr Strickney said the mail
would not be brought for 20 days they had changed their
rout. Lightning had destroyed some 15 telegraph poles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," July 7, 1862 - July 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/nZER